13 mins read

Unhinged Left, seems so detached from reality, most of the millennial’s are the problem..

https://youtu.be/AjnuWyP1wPw?t=10 Like many Americans, I’ve watch the bizarre anti-Trump “women’s march” events and wildly dishonest media coverage over the last few days with a sense of amusement. What’s remarkable about everything being voiced by the unhinged left these days is that none of it has any basis in fact or reason. The “war on women” doesn’t exist. The “KKK influence” that CNN claims has taken over the White House is an absolute hoax. The “Russian takeover” of the U.S. government that has been ridiculously claimed by the Washington Post is complete fiction. On one issue after another, every fear whipped up by the insane left turns out to be nothing more than sheer delusion. So why are they so angry all the time? And why are blabbering idiots like Ashley Judd and Madonna so convinced that a Trump administration means […]


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