7 mins read

Watchman: Do Not Comply With This Next Tyrannical Government Move No More Cash in Europe! The Digital Wallet Is Almost Here in the US–The Highway to the AntiChrist

HNewsWire: Do NOT COMPLY with this next tyrannical government move which just rolled out in Europe…It’s coming to the United States as we speak because the Federal Reserve is actively working on the very same thing, and the Biden administration wants it… Europe just took a major step towards totally removing your privacy. The European Parliament and Member States just reached an agreement on introducing the Digital Identity. Europe is also making it illegal to use cash above certain thresholds. This new Digital Identity will include a digital wallet as well. This move would give government unfettered access to everything you do. The European digital identity wallet The new European digital identity wallets will allow citizens to prove their identity and share electronic documents securely while retaining full control over their data and what they choose to share with third […]


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