14 mins read

Breaking News Stories that expose some of the major issues causing the self-inflicted Destruction Of America and all Citizen’s Health and Future.

January 14 , 2024 Based on our research here are only some of the major Entities and Sources that have emerged as the main cause of almost every Current American Crises and which every American Citizen is now currently facing. It is the group of same individuals working in harmony to bring about their common goal and aspirations to establish their One World Order as soon and as fast they can and replace The Constitution of The Republic of The United States Of America and America’s Sovereignty as a nation.. IN OUR OPINION: OBAMA – HAD TWO LEGAL TERM PRESIDENCIES WHEN HE WEAPONIZED CIA, FBI , IRS, THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, OTHER AGENCIES , MAJORITY OF BLACK, LATINO AND ASIAN COMMUNITIES AGAINST AMERICA AND CHRISTIANS IN PARTICULAR. HIS AND MICHELLE OBAMA’S PARAMOUNT GOAL WAS AND IS TO ‘FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA’ AND […]


11 mins read

Proof that Democrat Party’s SPIKE PROTEIN EXPERIMENT UNTESTED COVID-19 ‘GENE- THERAPY BIO-WEAPON’ (1) INJECTIONS also are in fact Bill and Melinda Gates’ and World Economic Forum’s DEPOPULATION AGENTS .

January 13 , 2024 “Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt, was a German pathologist, presented an unsettling slide show revealing that in vaccinated males, the spike protein from the COVID vaccine has entirely replaced their sperm. Show more “If I were a woman of childbearing age, I would reconsider starting a family with a vaccinated partner!” “Dr. Arne Burkhardt shows a medical slideshow of two individuals that confirmed spike proteins replacing sperm entirely or almost entirely in the testes. A 28 year old man who died 140 days after injection has images of the spike protein in the testes that shows almost no spermatocytes (German term for spermatozoa – “motile sperm with a tail known as a flagellum, which are known as spermatozoa, sperm “)  in them.” “If I were a woman in fertile age, I would not plan a motherhood from […]


2 mins read

The Fall of the Cabal: Parts 1-10 (A Janet Ossebaard Documentary)

December 6, 2023 A Investigative Journalist has created the following Documentary that exposes the World Economic Forum Cabal and how it has gained control in 192 countries of the World. The Fall of the Cabal: Parts 1-10 (A Janet Ossebaard Documentary) https://ugetube.com/watch/the-fall-of-the-cabal-a-janet-ossebaard-documentary-parts-1-10_sglfolHlfAGxVkB.html —————————— PLEASE SHARE WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW.   SOME OF THE PROPONENTS OF THE ONE WORLD ORDER ONE WORLD ORDER PROPONENTS EX U.S. PRESIDENTS WHO HAVE HAD THE ONE WORLD ORDER ASPIRATIONS Newsletter Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email address. Subscribe! Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions. Something went wrong. Please check your entries and try again. Orphans Support The 127.org Editor’s Bio A Thrilling Ride Every once in awhile, a book comes across your path that is impossible to put down. A Long Journey Home is not a […]


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