1 min read

HNewsWire Will Be Charging Big Tech

for Links Going Forward, We Will Be Demanding Payment for Our Content. From: HNewsWire 2/22/2021 To Google, YouTube, Bing, Twitter, FaceBook, Parler, Reddit When a big tech company says its product is free, consumers are the ones being sold, “These ‘free’ products track everything we do so tech companies can sell our information to the highest bidder and use it to target us with creepy ads. Even worse, tech companies do their best to hide how much consumer data is worth and to whom it is sold.” HNewsWire demand Accountability and to whom did big Tech sell information to, you are hereby put on notice to cease and desist. Subject Demand letter Dear, Google, YouTube, Bing, Twitter, FaceBook, Parler, Reddit Kindly, adhere to the demands on this letter to avoid further consequences. Thank you in advance for a prompt action. […]


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