11 mins read

How Many Children Are Going to Die Before Someone — The People Stand Up to Satan

Soldiers and Their Evil Agenda, They’re Killing With ‘Immunity’. Have We Become a Society That is So Cold and Callous We Will Watch Our Nation Children Die and Turn a Blind Eye?… If anyone is responsible for global covid deaths, it is Fauci, the Chinese government and anyone else involved in that gain of function research which is primarily used to WEAPONIZE viruses under the guise of creating “therapeutics.” Gain of function research was originally banned under the Biological Weapons Convention which went into effect in 1975, unless it was being used for therapeutics. Now ALL gain of function research that is revealed publicly is labeled as therapeutics even if it is actually designed to produce biological weapons. This is sometimes referred to as “dual use research.” A 15-year-old boy in Sonoma County, California, died tragically just two days after receiving […]


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