58 mins read

Is the Rapture of the Church a False Teaching? What Does the Bible Have to Say?

Spoiler Alert: HNewsWire Is Leary of the Pre-Trib Rapture Theory. Let’s Just Say, “It’s All in God’s Hands.” IS THE RAPTURE THEORY IS FALSE? John 17:15 …’ I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.’ There is a teaching today that is rife within the Christian world, called the rapture. What is the rapture theory? It is believed by those who hold to this theory (and there are MANY who do), that the “church” will be raptured away to heaven and then the earth will continue for a period of seven years (called the tribulation) in which the inhabitants of the earth will be plunged into a time of great trouble and strife (more so than now). So according to this teaching, there is a separation to take place […]


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