30 mins read

Watchman: Science Is Just a Waste of Time if Its Main Goal Isn’t to Make People’s Lives Better. We Can’t Tell Ourselves That Loving Our Neighbor Means Waving a Pride Flag, Putting Pronouns in Our Bios, and Doing Nothing While Children Are Psychologically Traumatized, Medically Changed, Physically Mutilated, Made Infertile, and Damaged for Life

HNewsWire: By Kelleigh Nelson May 2, 2023 Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity. —Nikola Tesla We must not lie to ourselves that loving our neighbor means waving a Pride flag, putting pronouns in our bios, and doing nothing while children are psychologically traumatized, medically altered, physically mutilated, and rendered infertile and damaged for life. —Reagan Scott Satan cannot create anything new, cannot create anything at all. He must steal what God has created. Thus, he twists love and God’s wonderful gift of sex into lust and sadism and myriad perversions. He disfigures the heart’s deep desire to worship God and persuades us to bow before lesser gods of lust or money or power. —Catherine Marshall Schools serve the same social functions as prisons and mental institutions- to define, […]


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