13 mins read

Watchman: Children in the Crosshairs, “a Children’s Book of Demons” Teaches Kids How to Summon Dark Spirits

How to have demons babysitting your kids…  A new book billed as a “playful guide” teaches children how to summon demons for personal benefit. It’s carried by major booksellers, too, such as Barnes & Noble, Walmart, and Target. Amazon sells it as well, even though the lit leviathan has banned a work critical of Islam and one geared toward the elimination of unwanted same-sex attraction. Barnes & Noble’s poorly punctuated overview of A Children’s Book of Demons states: Don’t want to take out the trash tonight? Maybe you’re swimming in homework? Perhaps that big bully is being a real drag? Well, grab your colored pencils and sigil drawing skills and dial-up some demons! But be careful, even if these spirits are more silly than scary they are still demons. So if you’re looking to introduce your kids to “Devil worship,” as Breaking Israel News puts it, know that […]


13 mins read

Social Media Can Train Us to Worship the IDOL of Self

Hi. It’s me, Satan. Lucifer. Beelzebub? Still not ringing any bells? You know, the Evil One, the Prince of Darkness, the guy behind Facebook. Surprised about the last one? Don’t be. Zuckerberg’s just a dweeb I plucked out as a front. Seriously, look at the guy – he looks like he should be folding Old Navy cargo pants for a living. Do you think someone that unimpressive could create Facebook, the biggest social media platform of all time, soul eater and life destroyer of people worldwide? Don’t believe me? I’ll let my longtime minion explain. A slew of studies has come out recently that support the notion that Facebook is a platform of pure death and suffering. Let’s review, shall we? Will Give you Low Self-EsteemIn a study presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference last month, […]


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