By Edward O’Hara  as so many falsely teach? Jesus was the final once for all sacrifice. So says Heb.10:10. And this sacrifice was for the whole world. So says John3:16.   Now since His was the final once for all sacrifice, why is it that so many believe and teach that they need to return over and over and over again to beg forgiveness as if His sacrifice needs to be done over and over again as Israel did under the law? Don’t they believe Jesus’ sacrifice was greater than that of bulls and goats? Don’t they believe it was the once for all sacrifice for sins? “Once” meaning there is no more need to get forgiveness for sin because the once for all sin sacrifice has “taken away” the covenant that caused sins to be imputed. This is not to say…

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God has revealed Himself to us and given us a small glimpse of His Glory

God has revealed Himself to us and given us a small glimpse of His Glory, like bright light shining in through the cracks in a door. By reading The Bible we can get a small taste of the wonder and the immensity and the brilliant shining Glory that is God. Our relationship with God is similar to our relationship with others in that all relationships require faith. We can never fully know any other person. We cannot experience all they experience nor enter into their minds to know what their thoughts and emotions are. Proverbs 14:10 says, “The heart knows its own bitterness, and a stranger does not share its joy.” We are incapable of even knowing our own hearts fully. Jeremiah 17:9 says that the human heart is wicked and deceptive, “Who can know it?” In other words, the human heart is such…

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