5 mins read

CNN,MSM caught staging fake news protest in London to help cover up radical terrorism attack

https://youtu.be/q9AEy_xoxYE?t=1 Once again the so-called “mainstream media” has been caught producing content that is specifically tailored to suit a pre-ordained political narrative, rather than just reporting on what is. Both CNN and The Associated Press were caught staging a “protest” involving alleged anti-ISIS Muslims in Britain on the heels of the latest radical Islamic terrorist attack in the country’s capital of London over the weekend — this one again involving a vehicle-borne assault in which three terrorists ran down and stabbed scores of people, killing seven. As [reported by *The National Sentinel*](https://thenationalsentinel.com/2017/06/05/cnn-ap-caught-staging-fake-anti-isis-muslim-protest/), screenshots of video produced by bystanders and suspicious British media figures, then shared on social media, clearly show that the so-called protest by a handful of non-radicalized Muslims was an attempt to support the narrative that hey, *not all Muslims are violent and evil* (as if anyone but […]


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