6 mins read

By NWO Design, the Watchman Banks Are Failing. Republic First Bank in Philadelphia Was Too Exposed to the Real Estate Market, and the FDIC Has Taken Over,More to Come People!

By SRH, The New World Order folks continue to tear down our most important infrastructure,banking institutions,family,Churches Etc. The publicly traded Republic First Bancorp (ticker FRBK), which operated as Republic Bank, failed quietly on Friday, the first federally insured bank failure of 2024, according to the FDIC. This federally insured bank was trading at 1-cent on Friday, down from 27-1/2 cents when we initially reported on its precarious state in September of last year. Really, do Americans want to see a bank trading their life savings like a penny stock? Since the program’s establishment in 1933, no depositor in a federally insured bank has ever lost a penny if they remain under the government’s insurance cap on deposits. At the moment, the insurance limit is $250,000 per depositor per bank. Still, the terms penny stock and bank deposit are not a […]


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