7 mins read

Watchman Reporting CBS Loves Demonic ‘Worship’ Demonic Foot Soldiers Sam Smith, the Non-binary “Unholy” Singer, Tweeted Ahead of His Demonic Set With Transgender Singer Kim Petras That Was Sponsored by Pfizer

SRH: Biden Demonic Foot Soldiers, the Watchman Warns Transgender– In addition to being the elite foot soldiers, enforcers of evil, and people with Ungodly agendas, transgender people have a bad reputation. By now, it’s clear that the mRNA vaccine is an evil operating system designed to produce evil doers. Homosexual pride flags are now flying over the White House per Joe Biden’s order. Unfortunately, we have elected a group of sinful people to leadership positions.     SRH: What is demonic affliction or oppression and how can we recognize it? Scripture teaches that believers are in a very real battle with the demonic world. In Ephesians 6:11-12, Paul said: Clothe yourselves with the full armor of God so that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against […]


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