16 mins read

San Francisco the future of America?

It’s one thing to read about the decline of San Francisco. It’s another to see it for yourself. I could hardly recognize this once-captivating city of breathtaking views, delectable food, and cool jazz. Today it’s occupied by an army of homeless men and women who have turned Baghdad-by-the-bay into Bombay-by-the-bay with some of the dirtiest slums in America. I first visited San Francisco in 1964 as a member of Barry Goldwater’s political team that wrapped up the Republican presidential nomination for the candidate who offered a conservative choice, not a liberal echo. Then, we freely roamed the streets and hills of the city. Today, you watch your step lest you slip on human feces. Then, Goldwater Girls in their white cowboy hats and boots welcomed delegates and guests at the Cow Palace. Today, homeless men openly urinate in Union Square. Then, we shared copies […]


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