15 mins read

We Were Encouraged to Welcome the Homosexual Community as a Regular Part of Society, Today We Cope With That Dreadful Mistake, Pestilent Is Here and It Is Deadly,New Virulent Sub-type B” – Or “VB”

President Donald Trump’s former adviser Steve Bannon hampered the search for the truth, by making the lab-release theory seem racist and politically toxic. Update: COVID-19-Infected HIV Patient Developed 21 Mutations — Pestilence On The Move Once Again   A new highly transmissible and considerably more dangerous strain of HIV has just been found in the Netherlands by scientists collaborating with Oxford University. They’re dubbing it the “new virulent subtype B” – or “VB”, for short. An multinational investigation conducted by researchers from Oxford’s Big Data Institute uncovered 109 examples of the novel strain after reviewing more than 6,700 samples from individuals who had tested positive for HIV. Details from the research were published this week in the medical journal Science. The researchers concluded that the variation had been circulating in the Netherlands for “many years”. Source: Sciences Their investigation identified […]


35 mins read

SARS-HIV Virus Man-made in Bio-lab

by Chinese Deep State among Tienanmen Executioner’s Son and Shanghai’s Gang… The Wuhan Corona-virus was created by man in China On the cover on the left the researcher of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), Shi Zhengli, on the right, above, the former Chinese president Jiang Zemin, defined as the executioner of Tiananmen, below (from left) the director of WIV son of Zemin, and molecular biologist Chen Zhu, former Chinese Minister of Health, promoter of the national genomic plan «On February 1, 2020, the most influential Chinese military website www.xilu.com published an article acknowledging that the Wuhan CoronaVirus was created by man accusing the United States of creating such a biological weapon against the China”. This statement, which we cited in reportage 2 of the first series on the pandemic called Coronavirus BioWeapon, was then corroborated by the authoritative explanations of […]


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