7 mins read

Transgenderism: Undoing God’s Design

It drives me crazy how inconsistent many Christians are with their worldview. Many Christians claim to believe in God and to trust the Bible as being God’s Word, yet, as soon as the Christian worldview stands in the way of something they want to do, it gets thrown out the window, only to be recovered the next time it becomes convenient. This is the lukewarm faith Jesus spoke of in Revelation 3:16. I, too, would rather have people be hot or cold. If they are hot, I am ready to partner with them in declaring and living the truth. If they are cold, I am ready to attempt to reach them by speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). If they are lukewarm…? [Insert vomiting sound here.] The world has witnessed many devastating revolutions, but the sexual revolution may be the […]


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