2 mins read

Sen. Warren (D-Mass.) has a warning for President Trump: “Donald, you ain’t seen nasty yet.” Haters just got started…

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has a warning for President Trump: “Donald, you ain’t seen nasty yet.” Warren read aloud from her new book “This Fight is Our Fight: The Battle to Save America’s Middle Class” and took questions at a town hall event in New York Friday, HuffPost reported. Warren blasted Trump for his economic policies, saying they are hurting the middle-class Americans who voted for him. “What Donald Trump and the Republican majority in the House and the Senate want to do to us, is they want to deliver the knockout blow to the middle class,” she said. She also hit him on women’s rights, saying that “women’s rights are not up for grabs” during the reading. “The character of a nation is not the character of its president,” Warren said. “The character of a nation is the character […]


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