5 mins read

Beyond the Apparent Offense to Christian Theology, School-Sponsored Sexualized Drag Shows for Children Have Become an Endemic

Side Bar: Drag Queen Story Hour ‘Greatest Grooming Program Ever Devised,’ Counselor Says, Denying the existence of Satan and the demonic is foolish, Drag Queen Grooming Programs, they are designed to inflict your children with the sin virus, and It leaves you ill-prepared for the reality of spiritual warfare. How can victory over an enemy be achieved if you deny the enemy exists? (Drag Satan Queen). Denying the existence of Satan leaves you blind to his schemes and naked to his attacks upon your Children… A clinical counselor who has worked with over 4,000 serial predators is urging parents to be vigilant after a Texas library hosted a Drag Queen Story Hour for kids featuring a reader who has a criminal record. Parents in Texas discovered that David Lee Richardson, who goes by the drag name “Miss Kitty Litter” and […]


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