5 mins read


FINE HOSPITALS FOR NOT MEETING COVID VACCINATION TARGETS… New York Gov Andrew Cuomo, once lionized by CNN & MSNBC as a liberal “hero” of the COVID-19 pandemic, with his every word and press conference broadcast for a national audience, is discovering that the country is starting to tire of his ‘tough on COVID-19’ act. We suspect his decision to send infected patients back to nursing homes, which is believed to have contributed to thousands of avoidable deaths, might have something to do with that. But even if it wasn’t for this depressing reality, Cuomo’s latest attempt to wrest back the national spotlight by positioning himself as a “leader” in the vaccine rollout is already going awry. Over the weekend, the NY governor announced that he would be signing an executive order threatening to fine hospitals up to $1MM for doling out […]


11 mins read

One of Satan Most Valuable Soldier Will Not Be Deterred by the

Rule of Law, Cuomo Calls Supreme Court Ruling on Churches ‘Irrelevant’… Update (1338ET): Responding to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision to block New York from setting capacity limits at houses of worship during the pandemic, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said the ruling was ‘irrelevant.” During a Thanksgiving Day conference call with reporters, Cuomo said the order was moot because the religious institutions involved in the lawsuit are no longer in designated red and orange zones in Queens and Brooklyn – therefore the restrictions, capping attendance at houses of worship – no longer apply. “The Supreme Court made a ruling. It’s more illustrative of the Supreme Court than anything else,” said Cuomo (via the NY Post), while knocking the Supreme Court’s (arguably) conservative bias given the addition of Justice Amy Coney Barrett. “It’s irrelevant of any practical impact because of the zone they were […]


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