16 mins read

The Us and Iran Are Having a Debate on the Chinese Internet

And Facebook and Its Fellow Silicon Valley Titans Have Banned From the American Internet. Isn’t It Ironic…? BEIJING — They accuse each other of inciting violence. They denounce one another as corrupt. They call each other terrorists. As tensions between the United States and Iran persist after the American killing of a top Iranian general this month, the two countries are waging a heated battle in an unlikely forum: the Chinese internet. The embassies of the United States and Iran in Beijing have published a series of barbed posts in recent days on Weibo, a popular Chinese social media site, attacking each other in Chinese and in plain view of the country’s hundreds of millions of internet users. It looks the US and Iran are on the verge of an all-out meme war. Over the past few days, as the aftermath of the […]


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