12 mins read

This Is Just the Beginning of Global Widespread Social Unrest. Sri Lanka’s Economic Troubles Are Metastasizing Into Social Unrest as Households Crushed by Plandemic Inflation,They Can’t Afford Essential Items Like Food and Energy

HNewsWire-According to a governing party member, Sri Lanka’s cabinet has resigned amid growing public dissatisfaction with the government’s economic policies, which have resulted in increased living expenses and a currency crisis. In an interview with reporters in Colombo late Sunday, Education Minister Dinesh Gunawardena said, “We have submitted our resignations to the Prime Minister stating that we are prepared to depart at any moment.” A decision on what to do next will be made after consulting with the President. Sri Lanka, a small island country, is suffering from a currency crisis as well as food, gasoline, and pharmaceutical shortages that are becoming worse. Mass anti-government demonstrations over rising living expenses prompted a 36-hour curfew this past weekend. In response to demonstrations in the capital and outside the president’s residence over rising prices and widespread rolling blackouts lasting up to 13 […]


6 mins read

Social Unrest Surged Saturday Across Melbourne and Sydney, 300 Arrested at Melbourne

Anti-Lockdown Protest… Social unrest surged Saturday across Melbourne and Sydney, as hundreds of protesters took to the streets, defying arcane coronavirus lockdowns that have been in effect for nearly five weeks following a spike in virus cases and deaths. Anti-lockdown groups gathered at the Shrine of Remembrance, a war memorial in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, with some demonstrators wearing no masks, holding signs, and were heard chanting “freedom” and “human rights matter,” reported Reuters. “It is not safe, it is not smart, it is not lawful. In fact, it is absolutely selfish for people to be out there protesting,” Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews told reporters after the demonstrations.  Dozens were arrested at the protests in Melbourne and Sydney; hundreds of others were issued violations for breaching the stay-at-home public health order.  “As a result of the protest, a police officer received lacerations to the head after being assaulted by an individual who […]


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