6 mins read


Dinesh Kaushiva July 26, 2023 ANOTHER DEMOCRAT PARTY’S  FAILED CASE OF FIRST  “LOAD, SHOOT AND THEN AIM !” @   @ Unknown author.   DEMOCRAT PARTY HAS BEEN FOLLOWING THE THEME OF THE FICTIONAL MOVIE: IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME – FIELD OF DREAMS – A 1989 MOVIE. INSTEAD OF THE WEATHER COMING TO FULFILL THEIR DREAMS THEY ARE ACTUALLY CAUSING NIGHTMARE CONDITIONS FOR AMERICANS TO EVEN LIVE.   EXAMPLES: Only Electric Vehicles, No Gas Stoves, No Gas Pizza Ovens, Lawn Mowers, Electric Generators, Democrat Administration announced new restriction for House Hold Appliances like Clothes Dryers, Air Conditioning, Water Heaters and the list goes on and on.   ===================================== The following information is provided for education, awareness purposes and to also encourage you to do your own due diligence on this subject and not just trust or believe […]


23 mins read

California Blackouts Expose the Total Scam of Solar Panels: They Don’t Work When the Grid Goes Down

Solar panels are largely a scam. And over the last week, thousands of solar panel owners in California are colliding with that sobering reality as they realize solar panels don’t work when the power grid goes down. That’s because nearly all residential and commercial solar systems are “grid-tie” systems that feed power to the grid, not to your home or business. And when the grid goes down, your solar panels stop working, too. That’s a far cry from what buyers of solar panels have been promised. “[M]any are learning the hard way the systems won’t keep the lights on during blackouts,” warns Bloomberg News. “…[S]ystems are tied into the grid, and the vast majority aren’t working this week as PG&E Corp. cuts power to much of Northern California to prevent wildfires.” Even when solar panels do work, they’re still largely a scam. […]


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