5 mins read

President Trump Appeared to Threaten to Veto the COVID-19 Stimulus Package

That Our Anti-American Congress Passed Almost 24 Hours Earlier, Telling Our Elected Satan Soldiers to Boost Checks for Americans to $2,000… President Trump appeared to threaten to veto the COVID-19 stimulus package that Congress passed almost 24 hours earlier, telling lawmakers to boost checks for Americans to $2,000 as well as “get rid of wasteful and unnecessary items” in the spending bill Trump said “throughout the summer, Democrats cruelly blocked COVID relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left wing agenda and influence the election…” “it’s taken forever” to get a package and the bill passed “is much different than anticipated.” “It really is a disgrace,” he added. Then reeled off a list of disgusting ‘pork’ (read the details here) that has been piled into this record-breaking 5,593 page bill. As Axios notes, many of the items Trump listed, such as foreign aid, which were not related to COVID-19 are not […]


8 mins read

As We Watch Satan Soldiers, Nancy Pelosi D-CA, Mitch McConnell R-KY, Play Politics With Our Lives

the Stimulus Package, up to $1,200 per adult and $500 per child, These Reprobates Must Be Kidding the American People…That’s Like Someone Asking You to Go by Home With $100; Run These Politicians Out of Office ASAP, the American People have already Pay a Heavy Price, ( Pandemic). They Are Playing a Game, and the Game Is to Break You Down. Next Stop the FEMA Lines… Update (1030ET):  Congress is ‘close’ on a coronavirus deal, which is expected to remain below the $1 trillion upper boundary set by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and GOP leadership earlier this year, according to The Hill.  The new package will include a new round of stimulus checks, “although at an amount lower than the checks of up to $1,200 per adult and $500 per child included in the CARES act,” according to The Hill‘s Scott […]


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