32 mins read

An Executive in the Oil Industry Has Issued a Warning That the Next Couple of Weeks Will Bring Another “Major” Crisis

HNewsWire: Satan Soldiers, Bidenhood and his greedy cronies have stolen half of the SPR for personal benefit. To believe otherwise is just ignorant! The Biden Administration and its Shadow Government are purposefully lowering the SPR to make us susceptible to oil supply disruptions from Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Venezuela in the approaching winter months. A orchestrated interruption of foreign energy by these US adversaries will put the US economy to a standstill. Because we won’t have enough gasoline to transport combat supplies to Ukraine, Russia will be able to continue its assaults. NEVER FORGET that when Biden’s Socialist Regime and Shadow Government took control, we were independent of foreign energy and exporting oil and natural gas. If the Biden administration is compelled to resume American oil and gas production during a national emergency, the best guess is that it will […]


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