2 mins read

Now depending how The Supreme Court will respond to the Friends of The Court letter that Trump’s Prosecutor instead might will soon become a Defendant !

December 21, 2023 Recently Edwin Meese, an Ex-Federal Prosecutor and The Federalist Constitutional Scholars sent a Letter of Instruction to the Supreme Court as a Friends of the Court to have all cases against Trump by Jack Smith dropped. Their letter informed the Supreme Court that Jack Smith does not even have the authority to Prosecute Trump. Attorney General, also did not have the authority to appoint a Special Counsel to Prosecute Trump. Jack Smith’s Special Counsel Appointment Is Unconstitutional, Former Attorney General Tells Supreme Court December 20, 2023 https://dnyuz.com/2023/12/20/jack-smiths-special-counsel-appointment-is-unconstitutional-former-attorney-general-tells-supreme-court/ THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WILL BE KNOWN ! AMERICA’S 2020 AND 2022 STOLEN ELECTIONS ARE NOW COMING TO HAUNT AMERICAN CITIZENS AMERICA’S ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS HAS CHANGED ELCTIONS TO [S]ELECTIONS !!! AMERICA’S 2020 AND 2022 STOLEN ELECTIONS ARE NOW COMING TO HAUNT AMERICAN CITIZENS SOME OF THE PROPONENTS OF THE […]


1 min read

Watchman: Sadly, Our Elected Authorities Have Turned on US. Supreme Court of the United States of America Is Now History. Globalists Use Them as Pawns in Their Battle for Power. Our Lawfully Chosen Puppet Masters, Also Known as Satan’s Soldiers, Are Not to Be Trusted

The Truth Will No Longer Be Able to Get Out Because of the United States Supreme Court and Social Media Has Full Control of Satan’s Soldiers’ Messages, Tribulation Moving Forward at Warp Speed HNewsWire: Satan Soldiers Over At The Supreme Court on Tuesday stopped the implementation of a contentious Texas social media law, after the tech sector and other opponents argued that it would enable nasty information to proliferate online. The proposal would make it illegal for internet platforms like Facebook and Twitter to moderate or remove information based on one’s political beliefs. A lower court originally stopped the statute, but an appeals court allowed it to proceed while it considers the larger issue. The Supreme Court on Tuesday stopped the implementation of a contentious Texas social media law, after the tech sector and other opponents argued that it would…...

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6 mins read

The United States Supreme Court Has Become the Lawless One, We Have

Witnessed Satan Soldiers at the United States Supreme Court Approve the Biggest Election Fraud in This Country’s History, Tribulations Will Be Almost Unbearable for the God-Fearing/Conservative Individuals… A Pattern of Lawless, Injustice, Wickedness Dominates Our Society Today, When Lawless Men Rule, Hell On Earth. Mr. Trump will win re-election giving the American people another four years, the world will have endured five years of the seven years tribulation event, the remaining two years will be like no other known to mankind, know where you stand with the creator. The Supreme Court on Friday tossed a last-minute bid by the state of Texas to overturn the 2020 election by challenging the results of four battleground states. Citing a lack of standing, Justice Samuel Alito wrote in a brief order that the state “has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which […]


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