1 min read

Watchman: It Should No Longer Be a Secret Why Won’t the Elite Take the Kill Shot? Cancer Virus Found in COVID Kill Shots–By Telling Us a Blatant Lie, Our Government, in Collaboration With Pharmaceutical Companies, Attempted and Succeeded in Killing Millions of People. The World’s Most Powerful Men and Women Are Purchased and Paid for by Satan’s Soldiers–Tribulation

NewsWire: Dr. McCullough is not the only doctor sounding the alarm on soaring cancer rates. Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole has observed, along with his colleagues, cancers taking off and coming back “like wildfire.” 🚨 Cancer Virus Found in COVID Shots: “This Is Looking Very Bad,” Says Dr. Peter McCullough “SV40 is a known cancer-promoting segment of DNA. And yes, they’re in the shots,” reported McCullough. “What I’m telling you is the shots promote cancer through SV40, and they inhibit our ability to fight cancer by suppressing the tumor suppressor system. So now this is looking very bad. Every system is showing cancer rates are up. So, that’s inarguable. The big question is, how much of this is due to the vaccines?” Full transcript for this video: 𝗗𝗿. 𝗠𝗰𝗖𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵: “Besides variation in the amount of messenger RNA in it [COVID shots],…...

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