2 mins read

Watchman’s Warning:Despite the Constant Presence of Daily Struggles and Temptations, We Often Find Ourselves Facing Spiritual Attacks That Pose a Greater Risk of Leading Us Astray. This Relentless Battle Is One That We Must Confront Head-On.

SRH, In our daily lives, we often face various challenges and temptations that can lead us astray. However, it’s important to be aware of the spiritual attacks that can pose an even greater risk to our well-being. It is a fierce struggle. There will always be opposition, but we must remain steadfast. He seeks to bring us and those around us down. He enjoys keeping up with current events that make big waves in the media.God shows great love and forgiveness towards those who have made mistakes and chosen to sin. There is a concerning disunity among Christians that can have a negative impact on families and relationships.Embrace with great reverence. We need to remain steadfast and vigilant. Avoid allowing him to gain any influence in your life. Be cautious and don’t provide him with any space to maneuver. He […]


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