6 mins read

Lawmakers pushing for bill that would add protections to transgender Texans

Transgender People will never find fulfillment until they turn from their evil ways and accept Christ as their Savior… Impulse control is never easy. All of us struggle with overcoming sinful impulses. James says, “Each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed” (James 1:14). Part of the human condition is to feel impulses, and part of the Christian life is to control them. Impulse control has been a struggle for us since the fall. Eve saw that the fruit was “desirable” (Genesis 3:6), and she chose to take it rather than control her impulse. Today, we still struggle. Often, impulses seem so strong as to overpower all scruples, commitments, and common sense. We feel that giving in is our only option. We have impulses to make frivolous purchases, to overeat, to have […]


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