11 mins read

There Aren’t Many States as Interesting as Texas, According to the Watchman’s Home. The “Come and Take It” Flag Flown by a Defiant and Outnumbered Group of Texan Rebels Who Won the Battle of San Jacinto and Proclaimed Texas Independent Symbolized the State’s Enduring Spirit of Independence. Satan Soldiers, Stay Away From Texas

SRH: I May Have Been Wrong About Governor Abbot! Texas has a history of self reliance and the promotion of individual freedom. Its ethos forms the perfect peanut-butter-and-jelly combination with Bitcoin’s open, permission less, decentralized monetary protocol. As such, Texas seems the most ready to absorb the economic reality that such a financial network promises — one that means you cannot step between users and their money in a forceful manner and that, if threatened, would see these users pick up and leave, bringing their economic power with them. The state’s embrace of this economic shift can be understood through the continued increase in bitcoin mining in Texas, the passage of House Bill 1576 and the current plan for an El Salvador Embassy in Texas. In addition, Texas is the largest energy producer in the United States. This advantage is of material importance, as seen with the […]


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