7 mins read

The American People Failed The Test, Showing The United States Government We Were Weak When That Happens

Lawless Elected Officials Take Over,Hell-On Earth… “Humanity Now Has a Common Enemy”: Government, Who, NWO, UN and CDC The Georgia Department of Public Health has announced that it, the United Sates Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and county health boards are together sending teams of government agents to randomly selected homes in two Georgia counties. These teams of government agents are charged with asking questions, including about household members’ health, and extracting blood from all the people living in the homes. The reason given for the home visits is — you may have guessed it — coronavirus. J. Scott Trubey writes at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that the government agencies are seeking the blood to test for “antibodies to the novel coronavirus to pinpoint who might have had COVID-19 and estimate how widely the virus has traveled.” People who live at the 420 randomly selected homes are free, Trubey writes, […]


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