13 mins read

President Trump May Be About to Begin a Scorched Earth Campaign to Drain the Swamp

A true man is someone who has “put away childish things” (1 Corinthians 13:11, NLT). A true man knows what is right and stands firm in the right. A true man is a godly man. He loves the Lord, he loves life, and he loves those whom the Lord has entrusted to his care. William Barr may not be a Boy Scout or anything but even he, like Trump, has a disgust circuit.  And that circuit has a threshold. The level of corruption of the Departments of Justice, State, Treasury and the intelligence agencies needed to coordinate the RussiaGate hoax all to serve as Hillary’s revenge porn was too much for enough people. This is likely far deeper a rabbit hole than anyone in D.C. wants to admit. Don’t think for a second that Epstein hasn’t been blackmailing very prominent people for […]


1 min read

For a refreshing and informative change SrhNews.blog

Whether it’s a story about prayer in public schools, workplace restrictions on Christians, or battles for biblical truth within our denominations,  srhnews.blog (SRH) is here to tell you what the newsmakers  won’t saying. srhnews.blog is a Christian news service – with broadcast, print, and online affiliates in 45 states and 11 foreign countries – that exists to present the day’s stories from a biblical perspective. We not only feature the latest breaking stories from across the United States and around the world, but also news of the challenges facing Christians in today’s society. At  srhnews.blog , you will get your news from reporters you can trust to give the latest news without the liberal bias that characterizes so much of the ” Liberal ugly left ” media. For a refreshing and informative change in where you get your news, srhnews.blog All Original Content Copyright ©2017 srhnews.blog All Rights Reserved. “All […]


9 mins read

Its a problem,Twitter Shadowbanning HNewsWire, Conservatives, Trump Supporters..

Former Breitbart news editor Milo Yiannopoulos is familiar with the suppression of free speech and the First Amendment by the politically correct left, having a speech at UC Berkeley canceled after [violent riots](http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/04/22/milo-yiannopoulos-plans-comeback-at-uc-berkeley.html) by the politically intolerant left. Pundits have dubbed the suppression of conservative speakers on campus the “heckler’s veto” which allows the arbiters of political correctness to deny a forum to those they disagree with. Yiannopoulos is also familiar with another form of suppression of free speech, this time in social media forums such as Twitter called “shadowbanning”. Tweets of the kind President Trump is famous for are banned from being seen by other than a given account’s followers, limiting visibility. Twitter and its support team claim it is merely spanking those who violate their rules and terms of service, but Yiannopoulos thinks it is political correctness run amok with […]


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