8 mins read


“No More Threats” – Trump Warns Iran “52 Targets Will Be Hit Very Fast & Hard” At 11 a.m. ET, US President Donald Trump is set to deliver an address on the current state of the US-Iranian conflict and how Washington is planning to respond to the January 8 missiles strikes on its military bases in Iraq by Iran. The initial reaction of the Pentagon and the timeframe that the Trump administration needed to prepare for an official address demonstrates the deep crisis within the US military political leadership. The fact that actions of the Trump administration in the Middle East led to the situation when US military bases came under a missile attack is unprecedented itself. Even if there were no US casualties (as the Pentagon claimed), the US appeared in a very complicated situation. The US public image as a superpower […]


4 mins read

Iraqi Militia Leader Threatens To Target American Citizens If They Re-Elect Trump

We Need to Be Well-Grounded, Know the Difference Between the Truth and a Lie… How many times have we read scripture from John, Ezekiel, Daniel and Christ concerning End Time prophecy and wondered if our interpretation of the prophecy is correct? I am not going to give a prediction concerning when Christ will return. The Bible clearly instructs us in Matthew 24:36 that we would only be guessing, for no man knows the day or the hour. Many have predicted exact dates concerning the latter days, only to find themselves one of many who have been in error. This has allowed the doubters of the world to grow in number, while those who understand what will eventually happen to this world find themselves discredited. Our faith tells us what events take place, but we do not know when. One thing we do […]


20 mins read


IRAN, U.S. ARE BALANCING ON BRINK OF WAR, Iranians Raised the Blood-Red ‘Flags of Revenge Kata’ib Hezbollah fighters gather ahead of the funeral of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Hashd al-Sha’abi or Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), who was assassinated in a US airstrike, in Baghdad, Iraq, January 4, 2020. (Photo by Reuters) After the January 3 assasination of Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani in Iraq’s Baghdad and the following ‘mysterious strikes’ on nearby Camp Taji, the United States, and Iran are balancing on the brink of open military conflict in the Middle East. The United States is deploying new troops and equipment apparently preparing for further military actions. Washington has already sent nearly 3,000 additional troops to the Middle East from the 82nd Airborne Division. This is almost one of three Airborne Brigade Combat Teams that compound the 82nd Airborne Division. These […]


11 mins read

“No More Threats” – Trump Warns Iran “52 Targets Will Be Hit Very Fast & Hard”

President Trump, like King Cyrus, appears an unlikely champion for God’s purposes, prophecy unfolding in real-time… Following today’s mortar attacks, and bellicosity from various Iranian (and Iran-backed) leaders, President Trump has responded in words (for now), warning Iran in three short words: “no more threats!” In three short tweets, Trump explained he is done being threatened… “Iran is talking very boldly about targeting certain USA assets as revenge for our ridding the world of their terrorist leader” Then reminded his followers just exactly what Soleimani had done… “[Soleimani] had just killed an American, & badly wounded many others, not to mention all of the people he had killed over his lifetime, including recently hundreds of Iranian protesters. He was already attacking our Embassy, and preparing for additional hits in other locations. Iran has been nothing but problems for many years.” Then came the warning: […]


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