5 mins read

Trump Anti-Twitter Order ‘95% Political Theater’ According To Stanford Lawyer

All Bark No Bite, King Cyrus Trump Has Lost His Annoying, Trump had no intention of draining the swamp, protecting free speech or otherwise making America Great Again, what a joke, truth–he is a King Cyprus… President Trump’s Thursday executive order directing federal agencies to clarify the scope of a law protecting companies such as Twitter from liability for content posted by users is “95% political theater,” according to Stanford University internet law expert, Daphne Keller – who told Reuters it’s “rhetoric without legal foundation, and without legal impact.” It is unclear if the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will embrace Trump’s view of the law known as Section 230, which governs the legal obligations of companies like Twitter and Facebook when it comes to what their users post. Section 230 contains a provision that allows online platforms like Twitter and Facebook to […]


9 mins read

Its a problem,Twitter Shadowbanning HNewsWire, Conservatives, Trump Supporters..

Former Breitbart news editor Milo Yiannopoulos is familiar with the suppression of free speech and the First Amendment by the politically correct left, having a speech at UC Berkeley canceled after [violent riots](http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/04/22/milo-yiannopoulos-plans-comeback-at-uc-berkeley.html) by the politically intolerant left. Pundits have dubbed the suppression of conservative speakers on campus the “heckler’s veto” which allows the arbiters of political correctness to deny a forum to those they disagree with. Yiannopoulos is also familiar with another form of suppression of free speech, this time in social media forums such as Twitter called “shadowbanning”. Tweets of the kind President Trump is famous for are banned from being seen by other than a given account’s followers, limiting visibility. Twitter and its support team claim it is merely spanking those who violate their rules and terms of service, but Yiannopoulos thinks it is political correctness run amok with […]


1 min read

Users Blocked by Trump Seek Reprieve, Citing First Amendment

  WASHINGTON —  users blocked by President Trump after they criticized or mocked him are asking him to reverse the moves, arguing that the Constitution bars him from blocking people on the social media service. The request raises novel legal issues stemming from Mr. Trump’s use of his Twitter account, @realDonaldTrump, to make statements about public policy. In a letter sent to Mr. Trump on Tuesday, lawyers for several users he has blocked argued that his account was a “public forum” from which the government may not constitutionally exclude people because it disagrees with views they have expressed. “This Twitter account operates as a ‘designated public forum’ for First Amendment purposes, and accordingly the viewpoint-based blocking of our clients is unconstitutional,” the letter said. “We ask that you unblock them and any others who have been blocked for similar reasons.” […]


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