1 min read

Watchman’s Warning: Terrorist Attack Is Coming,Martial Law, New World Order Established, AKA Biblical Tribulation In FULL Play

By SRH, It is evident that the current administration has irresponsibly opened the borders, allowing a flood of individuals to enter the country. It is common knowledge that this influx includes a significant number of terrorist threats, posing a serious risk to America people and national security. The National Sheriffs Association has recently stated that there are two million terrorists currently residing in the United States. It is crucial to realize that only 2,000 terrorists were responsible for the devastating attack on October 7th in Israel, resulting in the tragic loss of 1,200 innocent lives. This force is larger than the entirety of our combined police officers in the USA, which amounts to 800,000 strong. Brace yourselves, fellow Americans, for a dire warning from the watchman. The economy shall grind to a halt, and the stock market will plummet. People […]


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