1 min read

Watchman: The Vaccinated Are Dying, That Should Tell You Everything You Need to Know About the Kill Shot–Death

It Sounds Like Someone Has a Crystal Ball, Wonder How That May Be? Orchestrated? Designed? Plandemic? Satan Soldier Bill Gates? and EVIL WEF Both Seem to Have Obtained Psychic Abilities HNewsWire: Remember, why does the media report what the CCP says? NONE of it is ever true. Its existence as a psychopathic entity is predicated on deception and cannot exist without it. People are shown dropping dead in the streets like zombies at a bad sci-fi film festival. All this is meant to instigate panic and fear in the intellectually challenged and ignorant, like those still wearing  Face Diapers alone in their cars.  and we thought the vax WAS the problem? Foreign specialists have warned that the tsunami-like COVID outbreak would pose a significant challenge to China’s health care system and might kill millions of people. Chinese experts believe the crisis…...

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