9 mins read

Mysticism And Witchcraft On The Rise Among The Youth.

Witchcraft is actively promoted in this post Christian, neo-pagan society. The enemy has a way of presenting its studies as mysterious and lost information that MUST be uncovered. Especially to the youth without any religious preference, because it’s alluring to them. Little do they know, the gospel gives us power over their worldly manipulation. Burning sage to cleanse the air of evil spirits and repeating “affirmations” are a commonplace among the youth. It’s almost comical how much of youth run to the most edgy thing in sight just to claim their individuality. We all understand what it’s like to not know who you are at a young age. When you identify with a group, you then have been given an identity. So your perspective of the world around you is limited to the scope by which your “group” sees the […]


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