17 mins read

Watchman: The Nipah Virus, Another Lab-Made Bioweapon Delivered to Us by the Gain of Function All-Star Team of Fauci, Gates, NIH, CIA, DOD, Pentagon, CFR, UN, WHO, WEF, Rockefeller Foundation, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and Others, Will Soon Cause an Outbreak

HNewsWire: The democidal maniacs are ramping up their followup COVID-19 fear-mongering, but that will merely serve as their ingenious head fake. The next “pandemic” will be one that scant few are expecting, with the requisite brand new Modified mRNA DEATHVAX™ offerings. The PSYOP-23 Followup This upcoming outbreak will be the Nipah virus, which is yet another lab created bioweapon brought to us courtesy of the Gain of Function all-star team of Fauci, Gates, NIH, CIA, DoD, Pentagon, CFR, UN, WHO, WEF, Rockefeller Foundation, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, et al. According to a research study from 2021 entitled, Nipah virus vector sequences in COVID-19 patient samples sequenced by the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the latest franken-virus was sequenced at the very same lab that released C-19: We report the detection of Nipah virus in an infectious clone format, a BSL4-level […]


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