1 min read

Satan Soldiers at Google Funded Daszak’s Wuhan Lab-Linked Virus Research,For More Than a Year Evil Google Has Been Busy Censoring…

and shutting down anyone who had the audacity to even hint that COVID-19 may have a lab origin. And now — now — it turns out that Google itself has been funding EcoHealth Alliance, which is linked to the Wuhan Lab in China, and led by Wuhan-linked Peter Daszak. The financial ties go back as far as 2010, sources said. Specifically, according to Summit News: A 2010 study involving bat flaviviruses was funded jointly by Google, the National Institutes for Health and the United States Agency for International Development A 2015 study on herpes also credits Google Most recently, a 2018 study credit Google for funding its “perceptions associated with transmission of pathogens with pandemic potential” According to Summit News, Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance group had long-term extensive financial ties to gain of function research carried out at the lab,” but…...

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