10 mins read

There’s One Reason Why Youth Suicides Statistic Are So High Lack of God

in Homes and Schools, God’s Been Asked to Leave and He Did, Now All of Society Suffers the Consequences… It’s very easy by selective editing and exclusion to control the minds of young people like this, whose literary education largely comes from Facebook and Twitter, many of whom don’t have a thought in their heads that wasn’t put there by someone else. The suicide rate among Americans ages 10 to 24 increased by 57% between 2007 and 2018, data published Thursday from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) shows. New concerns are mounting that social media could be contributing to the wave of suicides among younger generations. Between 2007 and 2018, the national suicide rate among persons aged 10–24 increased by 57.4%. The increase was broad, as it was experienced by the majority of states. -NCHS On a state-by-state basis, the percentage change between 3-year averages of […]


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