The Elitist Want a Place at the New World Order Table, You’re Watching the Beginning of the End, Gun Grab is Coming

Gun Grab Pre-Tribulation’s… Virginia AG Says 2A Sanctuaries “Have No Legal Force.” But Is That Actually True? The Attorney General of Virginia stepped into the fray yesterday with an opinion on the validity of Second Amendment Sanctuaries that have sprung up across the state in response to draconian gun control legislation. He said that the Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions have no legal force and that municipalities will have no choice but to enforce the unconstitutional laws, should the bill be turned into law in January. But is this actually true? Or is it just a statement meant to discourage dissent? Digging into this, it seems that it’s certainly not as cut and dried as the AG would have us all believe. Sturgeon Vows Legal Independence Referendum for Scotland This article will be filled with lots of quotes from pertinent legal documents. I’m not an … Continue reading The Elitist Want a Place at the New World Order Table, You’re Watching the Beginning of the End, Gun Grab is Coming