Abortion: Hillsong Church NYC mega-pastor Carl Lentz had a platform from which to speak in their defense while a guest on “The View.”


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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HNewsWire-No other ancient deity is mentioned more often than Baal in the Bible. And ultimately, the worship of Baal can be traced back all the way to ancient Babylon, which was the center of the very first “New World Order” in ancient times.

Child sacrifice was absolutely central to the worship of Baal. When it was time for another ceremony, unwanted babies would be gathered and murder, We have simply changed tactics- Planned Parenthood Worship….

Warning, “A tsunami of wishful thinking has washed across the West saying that you can have sex without the responsibility of marriage, children without the responsibility of parenthood, social order without the responsibility of citizenship, liberty without the responsibility of morality and self-esteem without the responsibility of work and earned achievement.”

HillSong-where you can go to have your week’s fill of self-adulation with — by any discernible standard — no Biblical teaching or exhortation.

Brian Houston, that is. Arguably one of the most influential figures of today’s professing church, Houston, is currently the senior pastor of the worldwide multi-site megachurch known as Hillsong. The church, founded by Houston’s paedophile father, Frank Houston, dominates the contemporary worship music scene, with their songs being played in churches of every denomination around the entire world.

Worship of Ba’al, replete with child sacrifice and orgies, may be returning. In the name of freedom, Western culture has incorporated extreme elements that seriously challenge Judeo-Christian beliefs and values.

Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz Provides Moral Cover For Abortion On ‘The View’

It’s a tragedy that a pastor of more than 7,000 “So-Called Christians” would join the ranks of those blurring the moral lines about killing preborn babies.

Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz

Last Monday, around 1:20 p.m. EST, hundreds of babies were being surgically dismembered, decapitated, poisoned, and otherwise violently killed inside abortion clinics around the country. Simultaneously, Hillsong Church NYC mega-pastor Carl Lentz had a platform from which to speak in their defense while a guest on “The View.” He refused to do so. In fact, he took the opportunity to suggest that their deaths can in some cases be justified and that the people killing them should continue living according to their own convictions.

When host Joy Behar asked directly whether abortion is sinful, he responded, “That’s the kind of conversation we would have finding out your story, where you’re from, what you believe. I mean, God’s the judge,” at which point the audience broke into raucous applause. “People have to live to their own convictions,” Lentz continued. “That’s such a broad question, to me, I’m going higher. I want to sit with somebody and say, ‘What do you believe?’”

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This position might be received as a moderate stance on the issue or a lack of stance altogether. But in this case, to be on the fence is to be on the side of child sacrifice. “Live to your own convictions” is practically the slogan of the abortion lobby. Lentz might as well have said “My body, my choice,” or “Keep your rosaries off my ovaries.”

Creating Ambiguity Where Scripture Offers None
“So it’s not an open and shut case to you?” Behar asked. “Some people would say it is,” Lentz responded. “To me, I’m trying to teach people who Jesus is first, and find out their story. Before I start picking and choosing what I think is sin in your life, I’d like to know your name.”

This is a fantastic answer to the question of whether Calvinism or Arminianism is the more accurate interpretation of scripture. In reference to the biblical acceptability of child sacrifice, not so much. Scripture is unanimous and unambiguous in its condemnation of intentionally killing an image-bearer of God. There is no intellectually serious case to be made otherwise.

The abortion industry, with help from complicit institutions such as the mainstream media, academia, medical establishment, and others, is waging a propaganda campaign aimed at dehumanizing their victims. It’s a kingdom tragedy that a pastor of more than 7,000 Christians would join the ranks of those blurring the moral lines regarding the killing of preborn babies.

Lentz Has No Scriptural Case

Scripturally, Lentz has no justification despite the many abortion-supporting “Christians” who claim the Bible doesn’t specifically condemn abortion. The Psalmist writes, “You formed my inward parts; you wove me in my mother’s womb. … My frame was not hidden from you, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; your eyes have seen my unformed substance” (Ps. 139:13-16). Prior to being fully formed, we have a substance that distinguishes us as image-bearers of God.

This substance is not merely a theological precept. It is physically qualifiable, taking the form of the human genetic code. This substance is the only possible foundation for human equality. If the abortion lobby had their way, self-awareness, viability, or another arbitrary trait would define humanity. If that’s the case, then human value exists on a sliding scale, in which the highly aware have more value than the oblivious, those who are self-reliant have more than those who depend on family, friends, or government, and so on. Denying personhood to any organism who is scientifically human shatters the concept of human equality.

Furthermore, biblical authors unanimously refer to the preborn as people. Job describes miscarried babies as “infants who never saw the light” (Job 3:16). Pregnant mothers are referred to throughout the New Testament as being “with child” (Matthew 1:18, Luke 2:5). Of Rebekah and Abraham’s twin sons, Moses records “the children struggled together within her” (Genesis 25:22). Luke refers to Elizabeth’s baby with the exact same word, υἱὸν (Greek for “son”), both before and after his birth (Luke 1:36, 57). They’re not ambiguous “blobs of cells” or “scrambled eggs” but sons, daughters, children, infants.

As for a specific condemnation of abortion itself, Jeremiah records God’s anguish with those who think they can play him for a fool and find loopholes in the sixth commandment (against murder). “Because the people have forsaken me and have profaned this place by making offerings in it to other gods whom neither they nor their fathers nor the kings of Judah have known; and because they have filled this place with the blood of innocents, and have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or decree, nor did it come into my mind” (Jeremiah 19:4-5). God didn’t bother to outlaw the killing of babies specifically because it is perfectly apparent that murder as a category includes murder of the very young.

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Providing Cover for Child Dehumanizers

Lentz’s actions are especially harmful given the abortion lobby’s recent effort to infiltrate religious narratives. In April, a collection of 60 religious organizations co-sponsored a letter urging congress to keep Planned Parenthood funded by tax dollars. “As organizations of faith, we stand with Planned Parenthood. As members of Congress committed to supporting the wellbeing of your constituents, we urge you to do the same.”

In June, Planned Parenthood released a video in which leaders of religious institutions stated their support for Planned Parenthood. In typical Hollywood fashion, it entailed speakers taking turns finishing each other’s asinine ideas. “Everything about what Planned Parenthood does speaks to Jewish, religious, ethical values. For me, that’s ministry.”

Faith communities play a crucial role in the abortion battle because faith is the only significant bulwark remaining against the third-wave feminism that has overrun nearly every major secular institution. University of Chicago professor Jerry Coyne gleefully asserted in an article in July that killing newborns will soon be societally embraced and is repelled only by stubborn religious beliefs about human worth. If Christian leaders follow Lentz’s lead, Coyne’s grisly vision will certainly come to fruition, a repeated historical pattern.

Based on the counsel of scripture, our response to the industrial-scale massacre of God’s image-bearers should be one of radical intercession. Defending those being led to slaughter must feature prominently in our endeavors regardless of profession, but especially for those who’ve been called to leadership within the church. For many Christians and pastors, this means repentance, and for some, it will include recants. I pray God gives Lentz the grace to do so. Source

The devotees of Ba’al believed he was the source of rain and universal bounty. Promiscuity was not penalized, as unwanted children could be offered up to the god, nor was procreation valued, as homosexual relations were encouraged. Pantheistic, they worshipped Mother Nature while rejecting the concept of a creator.

Have things changed so much since that time?

We are far more clinical about it, but we still terminate our unwanted children.

In fact, we are killing our babies on an industrial scale.

We have murdered far more children than they ever did in the ancient Middle East, and our fate will be the same as theirs if we don’t turn things around as a society.

And now an ancient symbol of child sacrifice has been erected directly across from the U.S. Capitol at the precise moment when the future of the U.S. Supreme Court is hanging in the balance.

Is this just a coincidence?

I think not, we’re seeing Baal worship on steroids, children aborted in the last 20 years.

StevieRay Hansen
HNewsWire Editor

HNewsWire- “All political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable.” Just look at some of our modern day examples: torture is “enhanced interrogation techniques”; murder is “collateral damage”; the aggression initiation of war is a “pre-emptive strike”; the theft of taxpayers’ money is a “bailout”; and the theft of depositors’ money in a bank is a “haircut” or “bail-in”.In a blatant example of Newspeak, the New World Order controllers (through the psychiatric DSM V) have tried to rename pedophiles as “minor-attracted persons” and redefine pedophilia as a “sexual orientation”. This makes no sense, since sexual orientation has to do with gender not age, with whether you are attracted to males or females, not how old they are. There are even organizations (like B4UAct.org) which are claiming that pedophiles are being unfairly stigmatized for their feelings! Psychiatry, it should also be noted, has a history of inventing fictitious diseases such as ADHD (as admitted by its inventor on his deathbed by Leon Eisenberg).

Note from StevieRay Hansen: I tend to be very vocal about ADHD, it was only when I surrender to Christ, I became complete, the fight is real, I believe the difference is how we fight these battles….

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

Children are being misplaced or lost in our foster care system, we must demand more openness and accountability from each state.
If you have information or believe there is a child in danger that’s being exploited please contact 127 Faith Foundation
Call 325.347.2654
email [email protected]

email [email protected]

Please help me help these kids(orphans) that are in trouble, PLEASE 80% of the book sales goes directly to: https://www.the127.org

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“It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error. It is better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals, than falsehood that comforts and then kills. Let me tell you something, friend, it is not love and it is not friendship if we fail to declare the whole counsel of God. It is better to be hated for telling the truth, than to be loved for telling a lie. It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated. It’s better to stand alone with the truth, then to be wrong with a multitude. It is better to ultimately succeed with the truth than to temporarily succeed with a lie. There is only one Gospel and Paul said, ‘If any man preaches any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”

Proverbs 31:8 (NIV)
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute


Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that’s sacred….



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

69 thoughts on “Abortion: Hillsong Church NYC mega-pastor Carl Lentz had a platform from which to speak in their defense while a guest on “The View.”

  1. Where do I find the actual Hillsong statements about their gospel inclusion? I want to send it to the pastor.

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  4. Wow to those who condone abortion. The Judgement Seat is very real folks. If you’re found wanting, Hell is in your future

  5. Note to Stevie Ray and others: Stevie, you were on the right track as long as you stayed with the biblical principles and were speaking on the 60+ million babies that have been sacrificed since Roe v. Wade in 1973 by most accounts. This number would put this group in the top 25 nations in the world by total population, in the same ball park as France, England and Italy for example–and double the size of Canada. Studying the accounts of Ahab and his evil queen Jezebel in 1 Kings 16 on to 2 Kings 9 roughly will show the evil of child sacrifice that was a central part of Baal worship. In fact, nearly every ancient culture had child sacrifice as a tenet in their faith, including those ancient tribes in Central America. God spoke against it clearly. Jonathan Cahn’s book The Paradigm is an incredible read. But Steve- ADD is not a biblical discussion. Stay biblical!! You lost readers when you veered into your opinion on a non-biblical matter. And shame on Lintz–he should be disciplined by the elders of the congregation until he can accept and repent of his folly and sin of misusing his platform. To say mega-churches are bad due to one’s opinion about him or any of their leaders is without merit. Pastors or believers of the smallest and largest congregations are subject to the same temptations. Most of the megas divide into smaller campuses and then into small groups within that. Our problem in current society is not big churches. It is the overly powerful communications giants that are controlling the information that is monitored on the internet, social media and media in general, which also influences much of our educational system. Those who once fought for free speech now label dissenting voices as “hate speech” and run for the safe places to seek their “own truth” that Lintz is supporting. We do not determine our own truth! There needs to be more church and biblical Truth, not less, whether it comes from groups of 2 or more gathered together or 50,000 tuned in. God is Love, Light and Truth. Denying that comes from the Deceiver who is evil, darkness, and lies which lead to death.

  6. You forgot to mention the worship leader’s first priority in their ministry and started with #2 (the pastor’s vision). Number one was to let Jesus lead.

  7. There is great pressure exerted by the medical profession and social service sector upon minority women to have abortions, citing poverty and single parenthood or any excuse they can think of. This is literally ETHNOCIDE. I am Ojibwe from Manitoba Canada and we have always been a spiritual people. We do recognize and acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and a Great Light. The Great Holy Spirit simply said to me in no uncertain terms and plainly, out of the blue – Abortion is Murder. I have no complex intellectual arguments just the conviction and awareness because God the Creator told me so, ABORTION IS MURDER, therefore it is wrong and a sin.

  8. It is time for true men of God to take a stand on the word of God & call sin, sin. The world needs direction & the true word of God. The world will be a better place if they are shown the loving God they too can serve. You have to be saved & search the word of God for the plan for a life lived for God!

  9. Verse 11 sums up where we are. The divide is increasing more and more between truth and opinion/opinion. Cultural dissonance has taken over the minds of believers and unbelievers alike. “Choose you this day who you will serve… as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
    “10 And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.
    11 Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.”
    12 “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done.
    13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” – Revelation 22:10-13 Amplidied Bible

  10. No excuse for taking life for any reason, from anybody or anything. People! trust Gods words that we must love others then ourselves and NOT the other way around.If u do follow Him and not the devil u would see this is your way to heaven. If not u will live through unbelievable pain throughout ur eternity in hell. Hell is real! Please promote Life. God and His promise is real! Repent and do better. Anything is possible if u let God in and if u reject evil.

  11. I read the complete article. It is truly a sad day when so many so called Christians refuse to acknowledge the truth of the scriptures. (One error I saw…..Rebekah and Abraham did not have twins. It was Isaac and Rebekah.)

  12. There are multiple reasons Christians are arguing over this. First of all, Satan has control due to the fact that it is sin. Therefore nothing good can come from it. Second is because most of us have not experienced it first hand and do not see abortions performed. Third is because it’s a current political issue. Political correctness (PC) is destroying the United States of America. Can you imagine debating whether or not murdering a kindergartener is right or wrong? Can you imagine if you are on the view and they ask you if it’s wrong and you say, it’s not my place to judge, first I want to know your name? At what point is something wrong enough that there is no debate? Using scripture to debate and get angry with each other over whether or not this is right or wrong is Satan winning yet again. He is so clever, he whispers and we do not know it’s him. For me, if I’m asked about this topic, I will say it’s 100% wrong. If I’m asked does God love these people involved, of course He does. The ultimate judgment will come from Him, but I will not play political games on current PC topics. Once again we will all stand account for everything we say, including here in this thread. Therefore I will always say abortion is wrong and that God loves everyone. Pastor Lentz will have to stand account for his actions and for his sake, I hope that he is following the Holy Spirits guidance in his replies and not being swayed by the PC culture we are all being affected by.

  13. Sex without responsibility culmnate to abortion. The killing of a human being. If you are saved and asked if murder is wrong you don’t mince words neither do you ask me if I believe it is right or wrong.
    The devil won’t come in a black suit and stand outside in the dark to waylay saints …no. he will be in the pulpit nicely dressed about 99.9% saved. Even those who are God’s elect will be deceived.

  14. I can’t quote scripture and I don’t go to church but I am a Christian and have a very strong faith in God. I know that he has unconditional love for us and I love him. So many people have turned their back on God and are doing horrible things. To me the worse thing a person can do is take the life of a precious child. Who and when a person dies is not our decision. That decision is to be made by God and no one else. I would never take a life unless my life or someone else’s life is in danger but I do have an opinion on this subject. To me aborting a baby that’s in the mothers womb and not yet fully formed is a sin but the greatest sin of all is murdering a full term fully formed baby that can live on its own outside the womb while the mother is still in labor or as soon as it’s delivered. Either way it’s murder and the mother and the person that takes that babies life should be punished in some way while they are still on this earth. I know that it’s not our place to judge and I know that God will do that when the guilty party stands before Him, but in regards to this subject it is very difficult not to judge. How a mother can murder their own flesh and blood is beyond my comprehension. Animals don’t even kill their own children.

  15. Why is their not an out cry. What can we do?
    There needs to be a video of the babies. Then a hacker put it on everyone media. Phones, TV, computers!!! I don’t think people think this is real.

    1. Good catch. That didn’t ring true as I read past it. Thanks for setting it straight. Of course they must have meant Isaac and his twins Jacob and Esau.

  16. Jesus commands His people to be “wise as serpents, harmless as doves”. Can no one else see this is what Carl Lentz is doing? To just splatter a negative response in everyone’s face is exactly what the Hollywood elite were looking for. At which point they would say, see? Another perpetrator of hate speech. It never ceases to amaze me how judgmental all the armchair professional attenders are. Same treatment the Lord himself received. Even when Jesus was confronted and challenged with the woman caught in the act of adultery, His one question was; woman where are thine accusers? And then his answer was, neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more. Thank you Mr. Lentz, for having the Spirit of Christ in valuing the souls of men above the condemnation of sin. Any idiot(unbeliever)can point at sin and condemn it. If that’s your pleasure, I question the validity of your calling. Wake up Mr. & Mrs. Counterfeit Christian, The Gospel of Christ reveals The Glory of God, the accuser of the brethren exposes the sin of man. Got any scripture for that? Glad you asked…James 5:20b – …he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins… Here’s a tip for all you self-appointed judges, The Lord(His Word)doesn’t need your “help”. A woman ravaged by abortion(like the woman caught in the act of adultery)NEEDS THE WARM EMBRACE OF LOVE. Looking at some of your responses, I would pray The Lord to lead others AWAY from you. Getta klu all you bent nose imposters, and stop pretending to be Christ-like. You’re making The Lord look bad. Again, well done Mr. Lentz, for leaving a clear path to the altar for those grieving from the high price of sin. Bless you my brother for not being cold and heartless(self-righteous)in pointing at and condemning sin in others. Truly, this is the way salvation, the love of Christ.

  17. So throwing fire and brime stone is the way to reach people! I think not and you would understand this, if you read the new testament and understand how Jesus treated people! Just saying!! Plus like the bible says, ” He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone…” John 8:7 so don’t be quick to start judging or putting down this person when we ourselves are not perfect. Everyone on here are so quick judge and it’s really sad. As Christians, we are not to judge anyone!!!

    1. Judge righteous judgement. When One is in a right relationship with the Lord that One knows that righteousness demands judgement. Not the judgement that condemns another person but the judgement that One must make in order to test the spirit in operation. 1 John 4……we are to judge righteous judgement and make s judgement call based on that right relationship with the Lord. Holy Spirit will cause that One that is in right relationship to speak the TRUTH in love from love. Love and truth go hand in hand 1 Corinthians 13….the Ones that hear the Word and do not do the Word…..are not in obedience to Christ our Lord. The Word is clear: IF you love me you will keep MY commandments…..IF ONE TRULY LOVES THE LORD……that One KEEPS Christ Yahshua’s COMMANDMENTS. LIP SERVICE OR HEART SERVICE. THE ONE that cries you can’t judge me is the One that has already judged oneself and snared himself by his own words. We are not to judge those that are without the body of believers according to 1 Corinthians 5 read in context, however, we are to judge those that are within……so if you say you are a believer, study to show yourself approved and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free and you will know to judge righteous judgement apart from condemning another. Love covers a multitude of sins but if One refuses truth…nothing will change that made up mind apart from Holy Spirit revealing TRUTH. Wake up church…come out from among them and stop deceiving yourself and others. Excuses will not save souls. Only hearts surrendered to the Lord will judge righteous judgement and speak the truth in love. Otherwise lip service and a heart that is far from the Lord and His TRUTH. BLESSINGS SAINTS!

    2. Ronnie, Jesus HIMSELF said, “By their FRUITS shall ye know them…”
      We don’t have to be a judge, but when we must discern right and wrong, we ARE to be fruit inspectors!
      Rotten fruit?..well now…self evident.

  18. Lentz’s actions are especially harmful and leading many to death not to God. God has a special place for those who lead people astray. Pray for those he’s leading that they find the truth and leave this baal worshipper to his own device’s.

  19. We must speak the truth in love. But that does not guarantee that people will like us or like our message. Christians often think that of they can avoid offending people with the truth, they will have a better chance of leading people to the Lord. As if, a person’s salvation is dependent on how we present ourselves or the truth. It os nothing else but pleasing men. The Gospel, or biblical truth, in general is offensive to those who are persishing. But to those who are God’s lost sheep, it is the only lifeline. Let us be faithful to our Lord, no matter what the cost.

  20. He is such a wavering coward and a cop out. More concerned about popularity from men than pleasing God. God will judge him as well serious.

    1. Abort the mother and doctor, save the child ! That way the innocent survives and the guilty dies ! Oh wait … that brings on more talk don’t it don’t it mommy and doc ???

  21. Why sit and ask what they believe? Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? You have to be careful with that approach because that is self-validating to many people. No one asked Lentz to judge them. He had a great opportunity to ‘not judge’ but declare what the Word says. There is a difference. ‘Not judging’ is most times a ‘cop out’ for not wanting to be bold and declare the Truth. It only matters what God’s Word says. Period. You can show you care and invest in them while STILL preaching and teaching the Word, and telling them what sin is. Coddling and stroking isn’t necessary to speak into someone’s life.

    1. There is a difference between judgment and rebuke or reproof. One is correction according to truth or a reprimand to wrong doing and then judgment is putting yourself in God, s seat. Condemning them with judgment that only God can give or take away. Not being forgiving when they repent. Sin has its own consequence and God has to intervene with mercy through us for them to experience mercy. We have to what Jesus says to do. We have to warn and rebuke evil doing. The laws handle punishment. If they repent as brethren, we forgive them. What they do against God is His Judgment.

    2. Lentz wanting to ask “what do you believe?” first is like is like a doctor asking a patient that’s bleeding to death, “so what do you believe, do you think you’re bleeding? Should we stop it?” What a joke!!! The “feel good” preachers are leading people to hell. The saying THE TRUTH HURTS, nails it.

    1. I agree…Carl Lentz is Not teaching accurate Bible…very very disappointed in you Not standing for God’s Word to man. You have a platform and you are blowing it! Shame on you

    2. Sin is sin! The bible plainly states this, the lord is not a respecter of person or persons, this guy should have just quoted the bible and said this is the standard that we are all to live by, it doesn’t matter a person’s circumstances or what the believe, the word is the word!

    1. Gloria, have you REALLY(?) listened to Joel? He quotes the word all the time. Don’t echo others in their unjustified criticisms or lose the message because he has prospered. Joel is an Exhorter!

      1. Joel , yes I’ve listened, he is a false prophet, he teaches heresy. Plain and simple. But the emphasis here is on abortion, and it’s so sad men cannot call sin sin. They lose me. And no I won’t debate with you on Olstern. But stop the murder of these children, such a blight, so tragic besides being murder.

  22. Choose Life

    Jesus, my Love
    Jesus, my Lord
    You are the Hope of my soul
    You gave your life
    They did NOT take it from you
    You laid it down for me

    My daughter my child
    I did lay my life down for you
    So very few have come to me
    I weep for those who make a godless choice
    Choice what a word
    Choice of life or death
    Choice of sin or grace

    Terrorists make a choice filled with death
    They RIP off body parts with their bombs
    Just the same way murdered babies are terrorized in the womb
    I tell you now they feel that pain
    Their nerve endings are functional
    Death filled with that same torture waits for those who do not repent of this evil, for hell is real

    How dare you murder my creation made in my image
    They are innocent
    Satan laughs everytime one of you murder one of these little ones made in MY image

    I hate the hands that shed innocent blood
    The only hope for you is repentance
    There are those who lie LIE
    and say repentance is not necessary after the first moment of repentance
    Satan is the author of that lie
    Just like an artery becomes filled with plaque and life giving blood can no longer flow, your prayers are not heard without repentance

    Turn from your wickedness
    Stop STOP I say approving of those who live lives against what I have so clearly stated in my word
    There is death in the feel good message of this generation

    My word is the same as it has always been
    The sins of yesterday are the sins of today
    Step out quickly
    Those who continually choose death will soon lose the ability to change their minds.
    Their hearts are becoming harder every day

    Choose life
    Choose my life before it is forever out of your grasp

  23. I’ve read enough… Shame on you Reverend…. But according to my Bible, murder is plain soon!!! It’s one of the 10 commandments!

    1. Your article is really good and I agree with you but you are miss informed on your information about ADHD. I have Adult ADHD, I raised a child with ADHD and I have two grandchildren with ADHD. It is very REAL! For those who battle with it, trust me it’s very real! My grand daughter said to me after she was diagnosed and was put on began to take medicine – “Nona, I was able to sit a read a book!” She was so happy. I know that feeling- when you can’t get your brain to slow down because you it’s going all the time. You need to study your facts, all the facts not just the ones the support your Hypothesis. ADHD IS REAL and when you write that it isn’t it then Negate every other every other good thing you just wrote and people will stop listening to you and that would be sad. Because you are on the right track for most of this.

      Kathy C

          1. What does ADHD have with murdering babies get a life you can look past all this stuff on here to the ADHD

      1. Yes!! I was open minded about the article until I read what was written about ADHD. Why would you do that?! You have such a great platform! How can I take in what you’ve written when you discredited something that is a reality and struggle for so many people?!?

        ADHD is in-fact VERY REAL and I have suffered with it, my grandmother and my child, not including cousins and friends. Evidently they have never had it or they wouldn’t say what they did!
        Shame on you for saying that!!

        1. Okay I have tried to avoid a confrontation with you about this subject ADHD, if you had taken the time to read some of the excerpts from my book you would now understand why I feel the way I do about this so-called medical condition ADHD. Here’s the facts- those that are born with this special ability, this special energy, this special understanding about human nature, about God, ADHD is not a medical condition -it is a gift from God and everyone who is gifted should learn how to use it, I was born with the gift of ADHD and until people understand what that gift is and quit running to quote unquote medical doctors they will continue to believe that they are in some way subhuman, or need to be put on some medication when in fact they should understand its God-given, learn how to use what God has given you, ADHD is a gift from God…
          editor hnewswire
          ADHD recipient

      2. Amen Kathy C! I too have an attention issue since 3 years old. Other adult family also. I pretty sure i have it. But because of my age,68, they will not give me the traditional meds. Believe me it’s as real as it gets!

      3. Kathy C, totally correct! I figured it out on my own and told my doctor. He gave me a simple 6 question test, all “yes” answers, and thus I found out what the issue was.

        ADD/ADHD people go into what I call “zones”, where you are off in your own thought processes while everyone else is moving forward.

        It is a prison, I learned to recognize when I was in that zone and jailbreak myself by tapping on something hard, anything, to break out.

        It’s a genuine medical issue on how our brain is wired.

      4. I totally agree with you on the ADHD/ADD situation. I have 3 children & 2 of them have it & with the assistants of medication made it possible to concentrate & make good grades in school.

      5. I agree, Kathy!! I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 39 years old. It is factual, & has been proven. An easy way to say it is that “my brain is wired backwards”. The stimulants used to control ADHD calm me down & help me to focus, whereas in others, it would give them a “speed high”. Same thing on the opposite end. Medications meant to sedate cause aggitation & irritability. What made me really see it & understand it was when my dad was hospitalized in his late 70’s, & the medical staff couldn’t figure out why he was not becoming sedated when he should be, but rather, becoming more aggitated & aggressive. For the first time in almost 40 years, it made sense to me why my dad couldn’t keep his hands off the TV remote control: because he couldn’t concentrate on anything long enough to get interested in it. My dad was just like me, but had never been diagnosed!!

    2. Much of what u say is true, Unfortunately people aren’t interested n truth as they want 2 hide their sins rather than repent and liv e 4 a God who loves them and suffered more than just crucifixion. They r hooked on sin as much as any drug and giving it up – having their chains of sin broken isn’t what they desire. Wake up murdering babies, sexual predators, this life is much shorter than eternity and once Jesus returns will b 2 late 4 repentance. Is sin really all that satisfying?
      Tomorrow may b 2 late 4 some as we’re not promised tomorrow. Wake up God has shown u truth so it up 2 u 2 Repent.

    3. This actually is not surprising. As I have been saying for a while now, the mega church movement has destroyed American evangelism. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus and the word instead of “famous” or “successful” pastors.

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