Bill de Blasio Establishes Woke Oligarchy in New York School Boards to Combat Parents.


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Departing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is trying to leave behind him a rule that could likely silence parents who criticize school board policies, according to two parents and board leaders.

In an op-ed published in The New York Post, Maud Maron and Danyela Souza Egorov said that a proposed regulation would allow the Department of Education (DOE) to “discipline and remove” parents elected to Community Education Councils (CEC)—New York City’s equivalent to a school board—if they “criticize the school district they are meant to hold accountable.” Maron is a former president of the CEC in District 2, and Danyela Souza Egorov is its vice president.

The proposed Chancellor’s Regulation D-210, which will be weighed by the DOE’s Panel for Educational Policy on Dec. 21, prohibits council members from engaging in conduct that “serves to harass, intimidate, or threaten.” Such conduct includes but is not limited to “frequent verbal abuse and unnecessary aggressive speech that serves to intimidate and causes others to have concern for their personal safety.”

The criteria used to determine what counts as a violation is vague, Maron and Egorov argued. The rule doesn’t explain how frequent is frequent or what kind of speech is unnecessary or aggressive. On top of that, an “Equity Compliance Officer” would be established to enforce the rule.

“This (no doubt expensive) bureaucrat would be charged with deciding who to target for removal for violating the newly expanded ‘code of conduct,’” they wrote, calling it “yet another administrative position to monitor parents.”

In addition, the regulation allows the chancellor to request a CEC member be removed if the member’s conduct is deemed “contrary to the best interest of the New York City school district.” The op-ed authors also noted that conduct happening outside of CEC meetings or public appearances could also serve as a basis for a complaint and removal, as long as the conduct “creates or would foreseeably create a risk of disruption within the district or school community.”

“Even worse, an Equity Council, a team of DOE-appointed apparatchiks, would be tasked with providing recommendations on the resolutions of complaints—in other words who to remove and silence,” they wrote. In the event of a disagreement between the Equity Compliance Officer and the Equity Council, the recommendation of the Equity Compliance Officer shall govern, according to the proposed regulation.

Maron and Egorov also pointed out that this set of new rules is rolled out just after parents “flipped” some councils by voting individuals who are “very vocal about holding their districts accountable.” They believe it is “clearly meant to shield the DOE from any and all criticism from duly elected council members.”

“Calling parents ‘domestic terrorists’ did not work to silence parents at school-board meetings,” they said, referencing a widely criticized letter characterizing concerned parents’ actions as domestic terrorism. “Trying to do an end-run around democratically elected parent leaders should not be allowed either.”

Bureaucratic positions like ‘equity compliance officer’ will likely continue to be pushed along in school districts nationwide to combat parents who don’t agree with the curriculum taught to children. Instead of calling the parents domestic terrorists and demanding that the FBI take action, the radical left has moved to transform the inner workings of these Community Education Councils.

They’ve given themselves the room to carry out their agenda of misleading all students subject to public education. If they don’t like what you say, you’re out. We’ve truly reached a time in which those without a biblical world view believe they are more virtuous than those who with a conservative political stance. However, this isn’t a matter of who’s better than who. This is about pointing our youth in the proper direction to promote life as God intended. The policy considered by de Blasio looks like bullying to me, and i’m sure we can expect this to progress as the broader narrative comes to light. Which is “do what thou wilt”. Morality has left the building folks, watch in awe as man destroys himself by refusing to walk with god.

It looks a lot to me like we’re just trying to manufacture sheep. Teaching such a narrow minded curriculum is going to destroy education all together. By this point, I think that the internet is a far better means of education than this slow moving giant we call the education system. As a kid, I wanted to work with computers. I knew that 80% of what i’d be learning prior to high school graduation would have nothing to do with my future. There’s something eerie about making cookie cutter curriculum for the diverse world that the left claims to promote. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Source: EpochTimes

As we look back at ancient civilizations or even 50 years ago the technology we currently possess is “godlike” and highly advanced. And the technology we possess today is highly primitive compared to what it may look like 5, 10 or even 50 years from now.

Technology is progressing so fast, but as humans we are hardwired to not really process that exponential change. I think we need to change our mindset however, as the institutions, corporations and governments in the world are starting to break down at this point.

More demand is created for innovation in the technological sector as polarization continues between the competent Americans, and the ones who just take the information thats been spoon fed to them. Now more than ever, there is a demand for alternative platforms for Americans to voice their opinions and cultivate ideas. Much of the coming tech is to be considered the wild west, where people race to purchase virtual real estate, or NFTs for millions of dollars.

With the coming of Zuckerberg’s “Meta”, we can assume a large percentage of society will be participating in the shenanigans laid out by those who specialize in keeping the mind full of dopamine. But we can always trust that the great minds of our nation will step forward and provide a healthier inevitable alternative to the abrasive nature of our current pseudo-metaverse.

According to the World Economic Forum, in 2020 the entire digital universe has reached 44 Zetabytes of Data. For perspective, that is 40 times more bytes than there are stars in the observable universe. And it is just at the beginning.

The Internet of Things (IoT), which can be described as an explosion of mobile devices, smart connected devices from smartphones to smartwatches and autonomous vehicles as well as social networks and digital transformation. It is creating a world in which people can know anything, anywhere, anytime. This on-demand culture is truly mindboggling and unlike anything experienced in human history.

The world is changing so fast that people no longer understand the world we live in anymore and the world we are rapidly entering. Software is not just eating the world, it’s swallowing entire industries whole and creating different industries overnight. Understanding the rapid rate of change itself in digital technologies and the information technology revolution is imperative. Because it has been, is and will continue to be responsible for rapid societal, political and economic change for better or worse.

Today’s millennials and younger generations are used to technology and are digital natives. But even many of them can’t keep up with the rapid innovation. The implications of billions of people having access to the world’s information at their fingertips is incomprehensible. The results are multi-dimensional and our old way of politics, society, and economics stop functioning in the face of this type of exponential change. When things change so fast, so hard, it becomes impossible to figure out the rules and even to agree on how society or business or consumerism or entrepreneurship or regulation should work in the digital age.

What most fail to grasp is that when all of the leading technologies of our civilization are combined, we’ve entered dangerous territory. If you combine advanced robotics, and artificial intelligence alone you’ll have a soulless person. There are kids playing around with AI code in their rooms nightly. This isn’t some far off threat, it’s a golden ticket for the less fortunate who want to make it big. Learning just two programming languages is enough to make six figures if you’ve got an extensive portfolio.

Why are tech companies paying so much for programmers? They’re in a rush to find the pinnacle of efficiency and innovation. But they never ask, what’s on the other side of that door? Once society reaches peak efficiency, Christians will already be subject to persecution. Because why would they bow to Jesus when they’ve got all the tricks up their sleeves? They will be taught to believe that we haven’t looked at life from their point of view. Everyone will paint the Christian man as evil for simply detesting human nature.

The technology comes with a price, if you don’t play by the same rules as the UNWEFLucis Trust, etc. you’re going to be a second class citizen. The elite have cast their shadows on civilization to make their mark during each and every industrial revolution. Today we see Elon Musk trying to influence the crypto market by entertaining careless young traders. While at the same time, trying to make a breakaway civilization to get to mars.

“The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it: our sense of privacy, our notions of ownership, our consumption patterns, the time we devote to work and leisure, and how we develop our careers, cultivate our skills, meet people, and nurture relationships”

Klaus Schwab

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is reshaping every sphere of human life — from government to commerce; from education to healthcare. It is even impacting human values, opportunities, relationships and identities by modifying virtual as well as physical worlds of human beings. It is in my firm belief that Christians won’t get access to much of the technologies to come. By choice of course, because that is the nature of the puzzle God has laid out for us. We’ve been given free will to live for the world and repent there after. But to be born again, solidifies your role in this world. We’ve identified ourselves based on the values the bible emphasizes, and used them for the foundation of our very identities. To walk away from that is the unthinkable. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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