Bolivians Liberated From Governments Tyrannical Vaccine Mandate.


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Bolivia reflects the deep polarization crisis in Latin America - Atlantic Council

The administration of socialist President Luis Arce abolished the necessity of proof of CCP virus vaccination to access any public establishment or place of business on Jan. 19.

Jeyson Auza, the minister of health, made the announcement.

On December 28, officials from the Movement for Socialism released the original “supreme decrees” 4640 and 4641, which sparked widespread protests and legal challenges in the cities of Santa Cruz, La Paz, Cochabamba, El Alto, and Sucre.

The Epoch Times quoted attorney Alejandro Gutierrez as saying, “Indigenous people in Bolivia have always been suspicious of Western medical attempts.”

People opposing the vaccine mandates, according to Gutierrez, were claiming Article 44 of the country’s constitution, which prohibits scientific or medical experimentation without authorization, as justification for the decrees’ dismissal.

On the 17th of January, demonstrators set up roadblocks between El Alto and La Paz, the capital.

Rudy Callisaya, the chairman of the La Paz department’s rural magisterium, said the blocks would remain in 20 provinces until the government decided to repeal the vaccine regulations.

The routes that Callisaya and other protesters have promised to blockade are an important part of the supply system that allows food and other necessities to reach La Paz.

The vast Bolivian countryside provides the majority of the city’s supplies.

On Jan. 18, solidarity protests against the decrees in Cochabamba were met with a harsh police force.

Opponents of the vaccine regulations staged roadblocks along Petrolera Avenue and other sites in the city’s southern reaches.

In the afternoon, police arrived and dismantled the blocks while blasting tear gas at the unarmed protesters.

Later that evening, a larger group of demonstrators returned and reconstructed the road barriers.

The government agreed to withdraw the directives requiring proof of vaccination on Jan. 19, after a 48-hour standoff with residents opposed to the mandates.

According to Auza, the administration made the decision “to preserve the safety of the population against certain groups who don’t accept vaccination.”

He also stated that the regulations’ goal had already been “achieved,” with more than one million doses of vaccines distributed since the start of a major case rise in December that peaked on January 10.

Since January 2020, the virus has killed 20,291 people in Bolivia, with more than 11 million doses of preventative vaccinations provided.

In comparison to neighboring nations like Chile and Peru, only about 43% of the population is fully vaccinated. They have 88 percent and 69 percent immunization rates, respectively.

On January 7, the Bolivian Ministry of Health’s National Director of Epidemiology, Freddy Armijo, announced the discovery of the novel Omicron variation in La Paz.

People who are in favor of vaccine mandates are the same people who continue to make meaningful debate impossible by refusing to acknowledge that the COVID vaccines are experimental injections. Rather, they choose to insist on labeling people as anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists. Frankly when that’s said, i’ve heard all i need to hear. Because they’re no doubt unaware of the fact that it’s already written into Austrian legislature to imprison citizens for up to a year for avoiding fines for refusing to comply with the vaccine mandate. It’s gut-wrenching to know that people around us are stuck in their own bubble so bad that they cannot identify threats against their own human rights anymore.

No one man can make sense of this elaborate illusion cast over the common man of society, but collectively we can point out each limitation forced upon us and bring it forward as an injustice to the public. In Matthew 10:34 Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” We’re meant to go down preaching the gospel and guiding others to salvation. This could be considered the bravest task a man or woman of faith could undertake, but make no mistake it will bear fruit in the kingdom of heaven. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

The internet has proved to be a place in which you can tune into various frequencies in search of a perspective that best fits your narrative. I could make up an argument on the fly and back it up with facts pertaining to my argument. With that being said, the news about COVID-19 is terrifyingly polarizing. There is a spectrum, by which all narratives of the COVID-19 agenda are carefully presented to anyone conducting research. The opposing sides of the spectrum are those who are sold on the COVID-19 pandemic, and those who aren’t sold at all.

But it becomes extremely important that we listen to our gut, when we notice that someone is eyeballing something that rightfully belongs to you. Our civil liberties are merely gods gift to man interpreted by men of power. No man, woman, government, organization, forum, or anything will prosper as a weapon against God. With that being said, when our God given rights are at stake, it is probably best to question the integrity of those who propose the removal of such rights. In summary, if you’re not a “conspiracy theorist” you probably aren’t asking very many questions about the world around you.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Hosea 4:6

A coronavirus outbreak in Tianjin, Beijing’s adjacent city, has occurred just four weeks before the start of the Chinese capital’s Winter Olympics.

This means that all 15 million citizens of Tianjin are unable to travel to Beijing, which is only 100 kilometers distant. Meanwhile, Beijing’s “Closed Loop” or “Bubble” precautions for the Winter Olympics are fully operational. The Olympics will begin on February 4th.

Twenty more patients tested positive for COVID-19 PCR testing on Jan. 9, according to the Jinnan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Tianjin, a day after 20 others were discovered to have the virus. The infection has reached to at least three schools.

In two of the instances, the Tianjin Center for Disease Control and Prevention used genetic sequencing to identify the virus as the novel Omicron variant.

The Tianjin municipal government agreed on Jan. 9 to conduct nucleic acid testing on all of its employees. Other public testing techniques are also being carried out.

Mr. Zhang of Tianjin’s Nankai District informed The Epoch Times on Jan. 9 that “people in four districts, Jinan, Dongli, Xiqing, and Nankai, are taking nucleic acid testing today.”

“The rest will take them tomorrow. Nankai District has notified the closure of the district. People in Jinan District have basically all done nucleic acid yesterday,” he added.

“People were still lining up at 3:00 am. At four o’clock in the morning, the inspectors started going door to door to administer nucleic acid [testing] to elderly people who had not taken it.”

Meanwhile, the Tianjin Municipal Examination Institute confirmed that all teacher certification examination interviews scheduled for January 9 had been canceled.

“There is a teacher qualification exam these two days,” Zhang explained. “I learned online that those who finished the exam on the 8th were required to quarantine, but it was announced at 11.30 p.m. yesterday that the test on the 9th was canceled,” he stated.

“A lot of people came to Tianjin for the exam and live in a hotel. Now they just can’t go back. They may need to quarantine at their own expense. I saw someone saying online that he had no money, no food, and couldn’t go out. “

The Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention published a statement on Jan. 9 asking “Beijing residents not to go to Tianjin unless it is necessary, and Tianjin residents do not come to Beijing unless it is necessary.”

The state-run Beijing News said that officials at the Yingsi checkpoint on the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway had turned back many people and vehicles entering Beijing over the past two days.

It is believed that the official request is an executive order rather than a “travel advisory.”

Beijing issued an explicit order in October 2021 prohibiting the so-called “four kinds of people” from entering the city, including “people in the county with one or more local COVID infections and those with travel history in that county within 14 days.”  To put it another way, if a county has a verified positive case of COVID-19, no one from that county, including Beijing citizens, is allowed to enter Beijing.

The authorities, according to Zhang, seem unconcerned about the treatment of persons infected with the virus. “The media and the government have always focused on how many people have been tested positive,” he said. “But how many have been infected, and how many have been isolated, but how are these patients doing? How long does it take to recover? How effective is the treatment? Almost nothing is seen. Why is there no follow-up on concerns about lasting adverse effects from vaccines?”

Apart from being concerned about the Tianjin outbreak, Chinese Communist Party CCP officials are also concerned that the virus could move from Xi’an in Shaanxi Province, through Shanxi Province, as well as Henan and Hebei provinces, to Beijing.

The virus has struck the cities of Zhengzhou and Xuchang in Henan Province, south of Beijing. Henan is a vital transportation corridor into Beijing, and any passengers traveling by train through the province will currently be denied entry.

Shanxi is a province that joins Shaanxi and Hebei provinces. The Shanxi Provincial Office of Epidemic Prevention and Control issued a notification on Jan. 6 advising residents not to leave the region unless absolutely essential. People entering or returning to Shanxi are also required to report to their businesses, towns, or hotels promptly and submit to nucleic acid tests.

The Epidemic Prevention and Control Office in Jincheng City, Shanxi Province, announced on Jan. 9 that it will be “strictly” tightening controls since “the epidemic situation around our city is becoming increasingly severe.” Access to county and village roads in Henan Province is prohibited, as is the return of foreign vehicles and individuals who have traveled to Henan Province via high-speed, national, and provincial roads and high-speed railways in the past.

With the 2022 Winter Olympics slated to begin on February 4 in Beijing, the CCP intends to show the world its “institutional confidence” through anti-epidemic efforts.

In the run-up to the Games, Beijing has used “bubble management” to guarantee that those linked with the Games, such as members of foreign sports teams and Chinese athletes, do not come into contact with “ordinary Chinese.”

The international world does not recognize pandemic statistics published by the CCP since it is widely considered as irrational. The world community finds it unfathomable that the city of Xi’an, which has a population of 12 million people, has been walled off after less than 100 officially positive illnesses have been discovered.

If it’s not obvious that they’re keeping people out of the winter olympics who may just show up to plead for help from foreigners, I don’t know what to tell you. It should come as no surprise to anyone who pays attention to global politics that this is happening. However, one could speculate and say that tensions across the board are running higher than ever for the Chinese Communist Party. Something has got to give, America is no longer able to turn a blind eye from persecution due to the rapid spread of information in this digital age. The question remains, who will stop the CCP from committing further violations against human rights, and how much longer until that takes place? The people could surely rise up and put a stop to it, but i guess we’ll have to see if the CCP will be able to survive the tumble it’s currently Taking. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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