2 mins read

California preparing to challenge Trump A public policy analyst isn’t surprised that Democrats in California have offered a job to Eric Holder.


A public policy analyst isn’t surprised that Democrats in California have offered a job to Eric Holder.

The Democratic leaders of the California Legislature recently announced they have hired President Barack Obama’s former attorney general to represent them in any legal fights against the new Republican administration — likely a sign that the liberal, Democratic-dominated state intends to oppose Trump’s vision of change for America.

Abraham Hamilton III, public policy analyst for the American Family Association, says the Democrats in California would certainly have an advantage in the courts.

“As it currently sits, the benches across the country, the federal judiciary, are stacked with secular progressives,” he explains. “So if it comes down to legal fights with the current makeup of the federal judiciary, especially the state of California being in the Ninth Circuit, it would seem to favor their attempts to use the courts to thwart Donald Trump. But if he’s successful in reversing that trend in the federal judiciary, then you might see another outcome.”

And Hamilton sees two areas of major contention between California and the president-elect.

“One of the primary objectives is immigration, which is amazing to me, because we should be able to distinguish illegal immigration from immigration, but to many it’s just one big pile,” the attorney comments. “And they will also try to challenge Donald Trump once he’s sworn in on environmentalist policies.”

And Hamilton expects Eric Holder to be front and center in the fight against Mr. Trump’s efforts in the ideological battles to come.




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