Breaking News Stories that expose some of the major issues causing the self-inflicted Destruction Of America and all Citizen’s Health and Future.

January 14 , 2024 Based on our research here are only some of the major Entities and Sources that have emerged as the main cause of almost every Current American Crises and which every American Citizen is now currently facing. It is the group of same individuals working in harmony to bring about their common goal and aspirations to establish their One World Order as soon and as fast they can and replace The Constitution of The Republic of The United States Of America and America’s Sovereignty as a nation.. IN OUR OPINION: OBAMA – HAD TWO LEGAL TERM PRESIDENCIES WHEN HE WEAPONIZED CIA, FBI , IRS, THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, OTHER AGENCIES , MAJORITY OF BLACK, LATINO AND ASIAN COMMUNITIES AGAINST AMERICA AND CHRISTIANS IN PARTICULAR. HIS AND MICHELLE OBAMA’S PARAMOUNT GOAL WAS AND IS TO ‘FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA’ AND…

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The Weaponization Of Phobias, By Homosexual, Trans People and The Left

Phobias are a form of anxiety disorder, defined by a strong and irrational fear of something that poses little or no danger in reality.  In our current cultural climate, the use of the word phobia has been wrenched from its original meaning and applied to Christians who disagree with sins that society now accepts or even celebrates. The term homophobia is used as a club to pummel anyone who attempts to explain the Bible’s prohibition against homosexual activity. This is a misuse of the word phobia because opposition to sexual sin is based upon the time-tested Word of God, not personal fear. While there are always outlandish and vicious people on any side who claim to represent the rest, most people who disagree with the LGBTQ agenda are not “homophobes.” They simply do not believe that truth changes just because society wants it to. Homosexuality has always…

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“ADHD”- Parenting a child with ADHD is similar to parenting any other child, i.e., you tailor your biblical instructions to the child’s abilities

Our spiritual essence is frequently discarded when discussing ADHD. By spiritual, I mean that humans are creatures of God who live before Him in all aspects of our lives. We constantly make choices as to whether we will trust God or submit to our own desires. Spiritual problems can be identified by determining if the particular behaviorviolates God’s law. If it does, then the behavior can be classified as a spiritual problem. Parents need to exercise caution when their children disobey parental commands. Although the Bible clearly states that children are to obey their parents, what if the child did not understand or remember the instruction? Lack of understanding or forgetfulness may not be a sin unto itself. Parents should ensure that have given instructions that are clearly understood. If your child lives on the edge of extreme impulsivity, hyperactivity, and distractibility, you…

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