9 mins read

Voter ID laws are “unnecessary.” According to AG Merrick Garland, While Watchman Labels This Guy is a Brain-Dead Moron, TX Will Do What TX Does: Arrest the Invaders, With or Without the UN,WEF,Obama,Soros,Biden and Garland Permission.Civil War’s Coming

By SRH, Watchman Marks With or without approval from the UN, WEF, Obama, Soros, Biden, and Garland, Texas will do what Texas does—arrest the invaders. Republicans took offense when Attorney General Merrick Garland said on March 3 that state efforts to enact voter ID laws are “burdensome” and “unnecessary.” “Burdensome?” How absurd. When all people who use banks, computers, cellphones, travelers, shoppers, store clerks, drivers, teachers and their aides, janitors, club members, policemen, students, prisoners, even migrants are issued ID’s. That tells you all you need to know about Merrick Garland’s intentions to rig and cheat in the elections.He wants to mail in all the illegal votes and sneak illegal aliens into the polling places.He is a snake. The attorney general was remembering the 59th anniversary of the targeting of protestors by Selma police during an early civil rights demonstration […]


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