21 mins read

Watchman to Trump & Speaker Johnson: Jesus Called the Jews Who Attacked and Eventually Killed Him the “Children of the Devil.” God Does Not Approve of Your World View.

Oval Office in the White House on April 5, 2020. by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News In my last article I discussed the new Bill that the U.S. House of Representatives passed this week titled “The Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023“, which had bipartisan support. See: Zionist Christians Get Wake-up Call: New Law Defining “Antisemitism” Means Denying the Biblical Record that Jews Condemned Jesus to Death! As you can observe from the title of the Bill that now heads to the Senate, the language for this Bill was written last year, 2023, after the Hamas military attack in Israel, and pre-dates the current student protests over the war in Gaza that began a few weeks ago. In fact, the language for this Bill was drafted under President Donald Trump, written by his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and was then enacted as […]


5 mins read

Watchman Notices Satan Soldiers in Motion: Speaker Mike Johnson and House Republicans Just Criminalized the Entire New Testament

By SRH, Watchman Notes Satan Soldiers Moving: House Republicans and Speaker Mike Johnson just made the entire New Testament illegal. A broad hate crime legislation that will prohibit sections from the Holy Bible was passed by Speaker Mike Johnson and House Republicans in concert with Democrats. With resounding approval, the House enacted the Antisemitism Awareness Act in reaction to the bloody riots that have erupted on numerous college campuses. The Department of Education would be compelled by the legislation to enforce antidiscrimination statutes using the working definition of antisemitism provided by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. Apparently, though, no one in Congress bothered to read the IHRA’s working definition of antisemitism. They maintain that it is today deemed antisemitic to make any assertion or accusation that Jews killed Jesus. Stated differently, Speaker Mike Johnson and House Republicans have just made […]


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