8 mins read

The Church is set to debate the gender of God,dirty bride stained with worldliness!

Bishop Jeffrey Lee told the Post the Book of Common Prayer is intertwined with the theology of the church as a whole. He said the church should take note of women’s demands for gender-neutral language and references to God. “In the culture, the whole #MeToo movement, I think, has really raised in sharp relief how much we do need to examine our assumptions about language and particularly the way we imagine God,” said Lee. “If a language for God is exclusively male and a certain kind of image of what power means, it’s certainly an incomplete picture of God. … We can’t define God. We can say something profoundly true about God, but the mystery we dare to call God is always bigger than anything we can imagine.” The Episcopal Church has deep American roots, with more U.S. presidents being part of it than […]


6 mins read

“ADHD”- Parenting a child with ADHD is similar to parenting any other child, i.e., you tailor your biblical instructions to the child’s abilities

Our spiritual essence is frequently discarded when discussing ADHD. By spiritual, I mean that humans are creatures of God who live before Him in all aspects of our lives. We constantly make choices as to whether we will trust God or submit to our own desires. Spiritual problems can be identified by determining if the particular behaviorviolates God’s law. If it does, then the behavior can be classified as a spiritual problem. Parents need to exercise caution when their children disobey parental commands. Although the Bible clearly states that children are to obey their parents, what if the child did not understand or remember the instruction? Lack of understanding or forgetfulness may not be a sin unto itself. Parents should ensure that have given instructions that are clearly understood. If your child lives on the edge of extreme impulsivity, hyperactivity, and distractibility, you […]


18 mins read

United Methodist Church upholds ban on same-sex marriage

The global United Methodist Church held what was touted as a historic special session of General Conference February 23-26. The conference had been called to deal with the church’s position on issues of homosexuality and same-sex marriage. The topics are nothing new. The church has been fighting an inward battle for decades as more and more clergy have chosen to openly defy the teachings of the church, to the point of appointing an openly gay bishop, ordaining homosexual ministers, and performing same-sex weddings – all without discipline from the greater church (or, more accurately, largely ignoring any discipline). Local Methodist pastors are as split on same-sex marriage and gay clergy as leaders of the United Methodist Church. At a recent special session of its General Conference, leaders of the United Methodist Church rejected the One Church Plan, a measure that […]


15 mins read

Homosexuals attempted to take over the Methodist Denomination. They Lost, but are not giving up.

ST. LOUIS — Deeply divided United Methodist delegates advanced a conservative plan out of committee Monday to maintain the church’s bans on same-sex marriage and gay clergy while dealing a potential setback to those pushing for full LGBT inclusion. The rule book for the second-largest Protestant denomination in the U.S. prohibits same-sex church weddings and “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” from serving as ministers. For decades, Methodists have been split on how to address the issue, a division on full display this week during a specially called session of the church’s General Conference here in St. Louis. Whatever happens could lead members and entire congregations to leave the denomination for good. The 864 lay and clergy delegates from around the world morphed into a legislative committee Monday and spent much of the day hashing out the details of competing plans. The Traditional Plan would reinforce the […]


26 mins read

The Church Is Dirty

HOLINESS HAS ALWAYS BEEN GOD’S STANDARD! The bride He is coming back for MUST BE A HOLY BRIDE. Make yourselves ready for His return by sanctifying your lives by His Word.Live how it says to live! Ephesians 5:27That He might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. False doctrine undermines godliness by promoting what is novel or speculative in place of what is true. ST. LOUIS — Deeply divided United Methodist delegates advanced a conservative plan out of committee Monday to maintain the church’s bans on same-sex marriage and gay clergy while dealing a potential setback to those pushing for full LGBT inclusion. The rule book for the second-largest Protestant denomination in the U.S. prohibits same-sex… The history of Christ’s church is inseparable from […]


10 mins read

Don’t Be Confused: Zoe Church, Which Is Modeled After the New-Style Evangelical Church, Hillsong

When actor Chris Pratt went on The Late Showa couple weeks ago, he casually name-dropped “the Daniel Fast,” a 21-day diet based on the Bible, which he said he learned about through his pastor at Zoe Church. This comment about his church and the rest of the conversation about his faith got Ellen Page’s attention.”Oh. K. Um. But his church is infamously anti LGBTQ so maybe address that too?” Page wrote on Twitter, referring to Hillsong, another celebrity-friendly megachurch, which Pratt used to attend. Two days later, she tweeted: “If you are a famous actor and you belong to an organization that hates a certain group of people, don’t be surprised if someone simply wonders why it’s not addressed. Being anti-LGBTQ is wrong, there aren’t two sides. The damage it causes is severe.” Chris Pratt pushed back against fellow actor Ellen Page’s assertion his church is anti-LGBT.  “It […]


11 mins read

“Megachurches are sprawling wastelands of Christianity”

The False “Church System” Deception American megachurches use stagecraft, sensory pageantry, charismatic leadership and an upbeat, unchallenging vision of Christianity to provide their congregants with a powerful emotional religious experience, according to research from the University of Washington. The real question is one of obedience. Does this church look like the church of the New Testament? Are we carrying out what Christ has given us to do? That is non-negotiable, but size is never made a part of the command… “We’re not told to get to a certain size and split, nor are we told that a small church is ineffective. We’re told to be faithful, specifically to the Great Commission.” “I don’t think that you can say that a church is more biblical because it’s small, or more biblical because it’s large. I don’t think either model is unbiblical… […]


13 mins read

Abortion: Hillsong Church NYC mega-pastor Carl Lentz had a platform from which to speak in their defense while a guest on “The View.”

HNewsWire-No other ancient deity is mentioned more often than Baal in the Bible. And ultimately, the worship of Baal can be traced back all the way to ancient Babylon, which was the center of the very first “New World Order” in ancient times. Child sacrifice was absolutely central to the worship of Baal. When it was time for another ceremony, unwanted babies would be gathered and murder, We have simply changed tactics- Planned Parenthood Worship…. Warning, “A tsunami of wishful thinking has washed across the West saying that you can have sex without the responsibility of marriage, children without the responsibility of parenthood, social order without the responsibility of citizenship, liberty without the responsibility of morality and self-esteem without the responsibility of work and earned achievement.” HillSong-where you can go to have your week’s fill of self-adulation with — by […]


6 mins read

Suspect Facing 22 New Charges In Alleged Utah County Child Trafficking Case

HNewsWire-UTAH COUNTY, Utah, Detectives have charged a suspect with 22 additional felonies after they executed a search warrant on his cell phone. On Feb. 12, undercover detectives established social media contact with that suspect, identified as Richard Michael Martin, 29, of Riverton, the Utah County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release. Martin believed he was talking to a woman who was the mother of 12- and 6-year-old girls. Martin described wanting to engage in sexual intercourse and oral sex with the 12-year-old and oral sex and digital penetration with the 6-year-old. Martin also said to the undercover detective he wanted the 12- and 6-year-old to perform oral sex on him. As part of that investigation, detectives took Martin’s cellphone and after a search warrant was obtained, detectives reportedly discovered “numerous items of child pornography, including videos and photographs.” According […]


6 mins read

Help Combat Child Trafficking

HNewsWire-Child sexual abuse is a worldwide public issue. Child abuse, particularly child sexual abuse, is reprehensible…. Human Trafficking Has Millions of Victims The International Labour Organization estimates that forced labor and human trafficking is a $150 billion industry worldwide involving 20.9 million victims. Of those victims: In 2016, an estimated one in every six runaways reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children was likely a victim of child sex trafficking. Eighty-six percent were in foster care or with a social services agency when they ran away. HNewsWire-60+% of sex, human trafficking victims once involved in foster care system How Victims Are Lured into Human Trafficking and Why They Stay Human traffickers commonly recruit their victims through false promises. Victims are promised relocation to where there are good jobs and better living conditions. But once they arrive at a new location, they are told they will […]


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