Your Children Belong to The State

Arizona Supreme Court Rules That Family Law Judges May Ensure Transgender Children Receive Medically Necessary Care… The Ariz court finds custodial parents’ rights can be restricted if they threaten the health or safety of their children  “What is the definition of evil?” Answer: Evil is usually thought of as that which is morally wrong, sinful, or wicked; however, the word evil can also refer to anything that causes harm, with or without the moral dimension. The word is used both ways in the Bible. Anything that contradicts the holy nature of God is evil (see Psalm 51:4). On the flip side, any disaster, tragedy, or calamity can also be called an “evil” (see 1 Kings 17:20, KJV). The Arizona Supreme Court has ruled that family law judges may limit a custodial parent’s authority when necessary to protect a child from harm, including by ordering that the…

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Child Abuse in the Name of LGBTQE Tolerance, Parents Have Become a Child’s Worst Enemy

The Sin Virus Has Mutated out of Control… Society has become so delusional that it stands idly by and watches parents abuse children in the name of transgender ideology. When societies’ moral compass has broken, the spiral downward happens very rapidly. Birth pains are becoming intense. AUSTIN, Texas, October 25, 2019, In a letter to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, the state’s Attorney General Ken Paxton stated the children in the case of a mother who wants her seven-year-old son to undergo a gender “transition” are in “immediate and irrevocable danger.” Mr. Paxton called on the Department to open an immediate investigation, noting the agency has been aware of the matter since last year. Mr. Jeffrey Younger and Dr. Anne Georgulas, the parents of James Younger, were in a complicated custody dispute over James and his twin, Jude. Georgulas,…

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The TRANSformation Of America – Making Money By Pushing The Transgender Lie & Exploiting People (Video)

Transvestitism (Deuteronomy 22:5). The Greek word often translated “homosexual offenders” or “male prostitutes” in 1 Corinthians 6:9 literally means “effeminate men.” Doctors are doing treatment without evidence… I’m currently reading the soon to be classic Trance: Formation of America by Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips concerning government mind control.  However, in the process of reading that book, investigative journalist Corey Lynn has been putting out a four-part series on Exploiting Transgenders in which she is exposing the TRANSformation of America via sexuality and gender. Already, Lynn has written three well-documented pieces exposing the agenda to use people who refer to themselves as transgender for the purpose of making money. Three well-documented pieces Exploiting Transgenders Part 1: Manufacturing an Industry Exploiting Transgenders Part 2: Medical Engineering Origins Exploiting Transgenders Part 3: The Funders & Profiteers Part 4 will be available this weekend. For the love of money is the root of all…

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Doctor Speaks out at SCOTUS Protest: ‘We Need to Understand’ Causes of Gender Dysphoria

Stop making excuses for mentally ill individuals that are sinful, StevieRay Hansen….. We cannot remake ourselves according to self-will or even our deepest perceptions. No amount of suppression or repression can deny what is true of our bodies. Suppressing what we know to be true will never produce the joy we desire. Whatever the state of an individual’s self-perception or feelings, the deliberate thwarting of a healthy embodiment cannot yield lasting happiness. This is one reason transgender individuals who transition still report high rates of anxiety and depression. Dr. Allan Josephson faced yet another hostile environment on Tuesday on the steps of the United States Supreme Court, where protestors held court to push for justices to insert gender identity and sexual orientation into the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to protect homosexuals from the workplace and other types of discrimination. Josephson, a psychiatrist, and professor who led…

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The ungodly (LGBTQE) Are After The Children, Cartoon ‘My Little Pony’ Now Has A Lesbian Horse Couple

(T)he Bible is that everyone inherently knows that homosexuality is immoral and unnatural, and the only way to suppress this inherent knowledge is by normalizing homosexuality and attacking any and all opposition to it. The best way to normalize homosexuality is by placing gay marriage/same-sex marriage on an equal plane with traditional opposite-gender marriage. Romans 1:18-32 illustrates this. The truth is known because God has made it plain. The truth is rejected and replaced with a lie. The lie is then promoted and the truth suppressed and attacked. The vehemence and anger expressed by many in the gay rights movement to any who oppose them is, in fact, an indication that they know their position is indefensible. Trying to overcome a weak position by raising your voice is the oldest trick in the debating book. There is perhaps no more accurate…

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If You Have a Y Chromosome You Are Male. If You Have All X Chromosomes You Are Female. God’s Design, Can’t Be Changed

The closest the Bible comes to mentioning transgenderism is in its condemnations of homosexuality (Romans 1:18–32; 1 Corinthians 6:9–10) and transvestitism (Deuteronomy 22:5). The Greek word often translated “homosexual offenders” or “male prostitutes” in 1 Corinthians 6:9 literally means “effeminate men.”  … As I drove home on Tuesday, October 22, I heard Joe Pages discussing how in court a mother won a verdict against the boy’s father to have her seven-year-old son transition to a “girl.”1 This would involve the boy taking hormone blockers to prevent puberty.2The mother says that James “identifies” as a girl and chooses to wear girls’ clothing. The father says that James wants to wear boys’ clothing around him. What are the societal and scientific points here? Even if the mother is correct in that James identifies as a girl, should a seven-year-old be allowed to make that decision? We know from athletes that…

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Survey: “Alarmingly High” Rates Of Depression & Anxiety Among LGBTQE Southerners

LGBTQE- E is For Evil, “reprobate” a depraved, unprincipled, wicked person… A newly released survey is just pointing out what the Bible makes very clear and that is that our Creator turns over a people to a reprobate mind who fails to honor Him as God and they defile not only their minds by their bodies in doing so (Romans 1:18ff).  The latest evidence of how the mind is affected by those who engage in sodomy, lesbianism and can’t properly distinguish their gender based on the fact that they have a reprobate mind, is demonstrated in a new suvey of LGBTQ Southerners from the Campaign for Southern Equality. The report which was produced by the Campaign for Southern Equality in partnership with Western NC Community Health Services as part of a Southern LGBTQ Health Initiative is hardly a right-wing report. Yet,…

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The Bible Ban, First Because It Is Very Clear That the Bible Teaches That Same-Sex Sexuality Is a Sin and Not a “Gift from God.”

You Can Thank The Homosexual Community, Satan And The Politically Correct Crowd (Your Elected Politicians)….. We are here: totalitarianism is a political system in which the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life. Examples of totalitarian regimes are Germany under the Nazis, the Soviet Union under Stalin, China under Mao Zedong, and North Korea since 1948. Totalitarianism is characterized by a dictator or one-party rule, censorship of media, intimidation of the populace, propaganda in media and education, secret police forces, the prohibition of all criticism of the government, and the repression of freedom of religion. Historically, Christianity has flourished under totalitarian regimes. The book of Acts recounts the persecution of the Christians under Roman rule—including Nero’s reign—and the resulting spread of the gospel. After the stoning of Stephen, believers were forced…

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Equality Act Pushed by LGBTQE-E for Evil Mafia Would Allow Government to Kidnap Children

Equality Act Pushed by LGBTQE-E for Evil Mafia Would Allow Government to Kidnap Children If Parents Refuse to Have Them Treated with Castration Chemicals The Democrats are pushing really hard to get the so-called “Equality Act,” also known as House Resolution 5, signed into law following its passage by the U.S. House of Representatives back on May 17, 2019. And if they’re successful, parental authority over children in America will pretty much cease to exist. If ratified, the Equality Act will so fundamentally and radically change civil rights laws that any objection to transgender mutilation and chemical castration, as one example – including by children’s own parents – will be deemed as illegal “discrimination” in the same way that refusing service to someone on the basis of his or her sex is unlawful. A thorough analysis of the bill by various pro-life and…

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When Mentally Ill LGBTQE-E For Evil, People Commit Suicide, The Un-godly Blame Christians

Christians and others have always been, and will always be, lured by the same three temptations Eve and Jesus experienced. Satan doesn’t change his methods; he doesn’t have to because they continue to be successful. He tempts us with the lust of the flesh—sexual gratification, gluttony, excessive alcohol consumption, and drugs, both legal and illegal, as well as the “deeds of the flesh” about which Paul warned the Galatians, “sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these” (Galatians 5:19-21). He tempts us with the lust of the eyes—the endless accumulation of “stuff” with which we fill our homes and garages and the insatiable desire for more, better, and newer possessions, which ensnares us and hardens our hearts to the things of God. Since they seem perpetually…

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