Destroying the ‘Homosexual’ Agenda and Debate in America

The Reprobate Mob… The homosexual agenda is based on intolerance of anyone who disagrees with them and is a well-coordinated, well-financed, wide-ranging, intensive effort to infiltrate and influence organizations and society at large in order to spread misinformation with the goal of recruiting children. Children are the prize to the winners of the cultural war. Those who control what young people are taught and what they experience will determine the future course for our nation. The predominant value system of an entire culture can be overhauled by those with unlimited access to children. Homosexual activists understand very clearly how important children are to their cause. “We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in…

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Climate god Pete Buttigieg Claims That Carbon Dioxide Is a “Sin” and God Would Oppose It, Demonic Delusions

Mr.Buttigieg falls between demon-possessed and a psychological disorder. Liberal Christianity often denies the miracles recorded in the Bible. If there are no miracles, there is no Christianity, as the Christian faith is built on the resurrection of Jesus Christ (see 1 Corinthians chapter 15). If the miracles in the Bible are not true, the human authors of Scriptures were liars — Pete Buttigieg is Pharisees  Jesus warned us about (oh, wait, did Jesus actually say anything about false prophets? Do you see the problem here? Well, these last days where men reject sound doctrine are upon us. Not only do many call themselves ‘Christian’ they reject sound doctrine but also many who dare to call themselves, ‘ Homosexual Christians and they essentially pick and choose which parts of the Bible are from God. ’ Pete Buttigieg is Delusional …. If…

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Obama, Clinton, and the Democrats Treasonous Coup Against America

Whatever Is Done in the Dark of Night Will Be Brought to the Light of Day… FBI OFFICIAL IS UNDER CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION FOR ‘ALTERING DOCUMENT’ USED TO OBTAIN RUSSIA PROBE SURVEILLANCE WARRANT ON TRUMP CAMPAIGN AIDE CARTER PAGE DURING 2016 ELECTION They love evil and commit Anarchy against those who love good. They are governed by lies and never tell the truth. The matter was reportedly uncovered by Inspector General Michael Horowitz Horowitz referred the matter to US Attorney John Durham for criminal probe Carter Page was under FISA surveillance order during the 2016 campaign James Comey and Andy McCabe signed off on the application and renewals Horowitz says he expects to be able to release his report on December 9 A criminal investigation has been opened into an FBI official suspected of ‘altering’ a document in the warrant application to surveil Trump campaign adviser Carter Page during…

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Survey: “Alarmingly High” Rates Of Depression & Anxiety Among LGBTQE Southerners

LGBTQE- E is For Evil, “reprobate” a depraved, unprincipled, wicked person… A newly released survey is just pointing out what the Bible makes very clear and that is that our Creator turns over a people to a reprobate mind who fails to honor Him as God and they defile not only their minds by their bodies in doing so (Romans 1:18ff).  The latest evidence of how the mind is affected by those who engage in sodomy, lesbianism and can’t properly distinguish their gender based on the fact that they have a reprobate mind, is demonstrated in a new suvey of LGBTQ Southerners from the Campaign for Southern Equality. The report which was produced by the Campaign for Southern Equality in partnership with Western NC Community Health Services as part of a Southern LGBTQ Health Initiative is hardly a right-wing report. Yet,…

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Fights & Arrests as 1000+ Antifa-Like Protesters Swarm Ann Coulter Event at UC Berkeley

A Lost Generation… Over 1000 Antifa-type protesters surrounded a building on the Berkeley campus where conservative provocateur Ann Coulter was speaking, blocking ticket-holders from entering. At least 6 were arrested after a fight broke out. The mass of chanting and shouting protesters blocked dozens of students from entering the hall, forming a human chain across both entrances and verbally abusing anyone who tried to pass. Some of the abuse was reportedly physical as well, though the protest did not feature the outbreaks of mob violence that characterize some Antifa appearances. Amber Tang@ambertang_dc Protesters have now turned away multiple event attendees from this south entrance #Coulterprotest4311:16 PM – Nov 20, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy38 people are talking about this Six or seven protesters were arrested, according to a campus spokesman, one for slipping inside the hall and screaming at Coulter…

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During the tribulation, the Antichrist “will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie” (2 Thessalonians 2:9). These miracles are explicitly said to be empowered by Satan. Jesus warned that the end times will be characterized by the treachery of counterfeit prophets who “will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive” (Matthew 24:24). THE SATANIC TEMPLE HAS EVOLVED INTO AN ANTI-TRUMP MOVEMENT, AND LEFTISTS ARE FLOCKING TO IT The Satanic Temple is the perfect religion for progressives.  You can believe anything you want, as long as you hate what Donald Trump, Christians and conservatives believe.  Unlike the Church of Satan, the Satanic Temple doesn’t even believe in a supernatural entity called Satan.  Instead, they celebrate Satan as “the ultimate rebel”, and they relish in using the symbol of Satan to greatly…

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When the Ungodly, GLAAD, LGBTQE-E for Evil Dictate the Rules to a Christian Organization, Know What Time It Is…

HELL ON EARTH… One of the nation’s largest homosexual advocacy organizations is greeting Chick-Fil-A’s divestment from Christian charities like the Salvation Army with tepid praise and further demands, including an “unequivocal” denunciation of the brand’s history and values. GLAAD (whose name is an acronym for its former title, “Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation”) demanded “safe workplaces for LGBTQ employees” and an apparent denunciation of the Christian ministry Focus on the Family, responding to Chick-Fil-A’s decision to stop donating to the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program for needy children and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which serves historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). The full statement from Drew Anderson, GLAAD’s director of campaigns and rapid response, names more steps the fast-food chain must take to prove its genuine repentance: If Chick-Fil-A is serious about their pledge to stop holding hands with divisive anti-LGBTQ activists,…

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GRAPHIC WARNING: FBI Interviews Alleged Boy Rape Victim of Bill Clinton

Chilling Details of Sex Assaults & Satanic Rituals on Yacht (Video)… Child sex trafficking investigators from the FBI’s New York field office have conducted an interview with a victim who provided chilling details about allegedly being raped by Bill Clinton on a yacht in New England when the victim was a young boy. “We are treating him as a victim,” an FBI official told True Pundit in New York City prior to the interview with FBI. Top FBI officials arranged the interview with the victim, who said he was raped by Bill Clinton when he was just eight years old. The interview was conducted by the FBI’s task force that was established to investigate sexual assault and sex trafficking claims linked to Jeffrey Epstein and his associates. That task force, also attached to the NYPD, remains active even though Epstein…

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“Hate Speech” is now Terrorism – Facebook hand over ‘Hate Speech’ Date to French Courts

In the near future, governments will begin declaring more speech as hate speech, thereby making it illegal. In some parts of the world, it is illegal to say that homosexuality is a sin. In some countries, it is illegal to declare one religion right and other religions wrong. This steady broadening of what qualifies as hate speech could eventually lead to any effort to evangelize being declared hate speech since it would be “hateful” to tell a person that what he/she currently believes is incorrect. What the perpetrators of this expanded hate speech definition fail to realize (or admit) is that to tell someone the truth is an act of love, not hate. Is it hateful for a teacher to tell a student that his/her answer is wrong? Is it hateful for a building inspector to tell a construction company…

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The Moral Compass: Paypal Cuts Payouts to over 100,000 Pornhub ‘Models

PayPal’s decision to cut a segment of the underbelly in society (porn) may be the signal that society has had enough of the filth… Bitcoin is being championed as the solution to a new payment crisis affecting the adult entertainment website Pornhub. In a blog post on Nov. 14, Pornhub revealed that payment processor PayPal had abruptly stopped servicing its models.  image courtesy of CoinTelegraph Pornhub hits out at attack on “livelihoods” Previously, models throughout the world received payouts via PayPal, which has not publicly stated why it cut them out of its platform.  “We are all devastated by PayPal’s decision to stop payouts to over a hundred thousand performers who rely on them for their livelihoods,” the blog post reads. Pornhub is now using direct funds transfer alternatives, which models must set up themselves. The website began a deal with cryptocurrency project Verge (XVG) last year,…

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