3 mins read

The Pentagon Is Preparing for Worst-Case Scenarios, U.S. ARMY Admits It’s Conducting a Classified “Secret Operation” near D.C.

Birth Pains, in recent years, several news reports of water turning a blood-red color have appeared. A canal in Nootdorp, the Netherlands; Bondi Beach in Australia; the Beirut River in Lebanon; a river in Zhejiang Province, China; rainfall in Sewanagala, Sri Lanka—all reported blood-red by reliable news outlets. These stories have had many people wondering: Is this a fulfillment of end-times prophecy? Is the water turning to blood? The water-to-blood prophecies are found in the book of Revelation. The second trumpet judgment will bring a great calamity upon the earth: “The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed” (Revelation 8:8–9). The United States Army […]


6 mins read

Trouble in Paradise, FBI Raids La’s Department of Water & Power, City Hall

Corruption is a state of decay, pollution, or incorrectness. In the Bible, corruption is one of the effects of sin that resulted from the fall of man. In the beginning, God created a perfect paradise, free of sickness, pain, and death. But when Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit, sin entered the world, spoiling its perfection. That sin also brought contamination and decay to Adam and Eve and to the human nature of every person born after that (Romans 5:12). Thus, corruption in the Bible is the state of moral contamination and spiritual decay expressed through disobedience toward God. Rumors about a federal investigation into Los Angeles city hall have been circulating for months now, and on Monday, the Los Angeles Times reported that the FBI carried out a search of the Department of Water and Power and […]


10 mins read

A Bank with 49 Trillion Dollars in Exposure to Derivatives Is Melting down Birth Pains

Deutsche Bank collapses, it could take a whole lot of others down with it at the same time.  According to Wall Street On Parade, the bank had 49 trillion dollars in exposure to derivatives as of the end of last year… The Bible describes sinful humanity as corrupt: “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good. The LORD looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. All have turned away, all have become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one (Psalm 14:1–3; see also Psalm 53:1–3; Isaiah 1:4). In the Old Testament, corruption can refer to literal, physical decay (Job 17:14; Psalm 16:10), but, most often, corruption is used figuratively for moral corruption and depravity (Exodus 32:7; Hosea […]


12 mins read

Hypocrite: Kamala Harris, a Critic of Acosta’s Epstein Plea Deal

In essence, “hypocrisy” refers to the act of claiming to believe something but acting in a different manner. The word is derived from the Greek term for “actor”—literally, “one who wears a mask”—in other words, someone who pretends to be what he is not. The Bible calls hypocrisy a sin. There are two forms hypocrisy can take: that of professing belief in something and then acting in a manner contrary to that belief, and that of looking down on others when we ourselves are flawed. So rather than spend five years behind bars, Filner got three months of house arrest, three years’ probation, and some loss of his mayoral pension. Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris is facing questions over a plea deal her office negotiated during her stint as California’s attorney general that allowed a disgraced former San Diego mayor to avoid registering as a […]


7 mins read

Hottest Month Ever Recorded In Earth’s History In June 2019 Birth Pains

Among the various forms of judgment that God brings upon the unrighteous and rebellious is pestilence. Not every epidemic is the direct judgment of God, but the Bible indicates that some instances of pestilence in history have been a punishment for sin. God sent pestilence to punish the Israelites for their ongoing idolatry and disobedience (Deuteronomy 32:24; Jeremiah 42:22), and during the tribulation He will send pestilence to punish the unrepentant: “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image” (Revelation 16:2; cf. Revelation 18:8; Matthew 24:7). We never have to experience God’s pestilential judgment if we will accept His protection through faith in Jesus Christ (John 1:12; 2 Corinthians 5:21). Summer is in its early stages and already the effects of this […]


4 mins read

Bad Company Corrupts Good Morals

Here’s an important clarification in the land of lone-rangers. Jesus is the perfect, sinless God-man — and during his earthly ministry was able to go at it alone if needed — but even he always seemed to have his disciples with him. How much more do we need a team, to go at our evangelistic efforts with a solid brother or sister or two who will not let us be dragged down by the sin around us, and in us, but keep us on mission, intentional to engage and rescue sinners with the gospel of Jesus. Don’t storm the gates of hell alone. Jesus sent out his disciples two by two (Luke 10:1). You’re wise to go with a team. Source Deadly disease. The biblical example are the Pharisees. They criticized Jesus about defying the Law and the Prophets and […]


3 mins read

150,000 new escort ads are posted online every day,children are bought and sold online for sex

People are responsible for the sins they commit, including rape. However, no one is beyond the grace of God. Even to those who have committed the vilest of sins, God can extend forgiveness if they repent and turn from their evil ways (1 John 1:9). This does not remove the need for punishment according to the law, but it can offer hope and the way to a new life. HNewsWire-150,000 new escort ads are posted online every day.Somewhere in that pile of data are children who are bought and sold online for sex. Law enforcement doesn’t have enough time to navigate the online commercial sex market to find children and identify their traffickers. Among children and teens living on the streets in the United States, involvement in commercial sex activity is a problem of epidemic proportion. Many girls living on the street […]


5 mins read

Jeffrey Epstein Bankrolled Ehud Barak’s High-Tech Investment, Report Claims, the Black Book Is in Play Again

The Bible says that living in the flesh produces a number of unfortunate consequences. First, Scripture states that those who live according to the flesh, and who never desire change or repent from their sinful behavior, will experience separation from God both in this life and the next: • “Therefore what benefit were you then deriving from the [sinful practices] of which you are now ashamed? For the outcome of those things is death” (Romans 6:21) • “For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live” (Romans 8:13) • “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh […]


8 mins read

California Parents Horrified At New Sex-Ed Agenda

Children will learn about sexuality from someone. The options are their peers, pornography, school settings, experimentation, or their parents. The best place for sex education is in the home, as a natural part of training children “in the way they should go” (Proverbs 22:6). It is the parents’ God-given responsibility to teach children God’s perspective on every area of life, including sexuality (Ephesians 6:1–4). Due to the intrinsic complexities of human sexuality, the physical aspects of biological reproduction cannot be separated from moral responsibility. Regardless of whether children receive sex education in schools or even at church, it remains the parents’ responsibility to ensure their children are properly educated about both the biological and moral aspects of sexuality. Leaving values-training to others is dangerous, particularly regarding matters of sexuality in many cultures today.  Thompson was referring to Positive Prevention Plus, […]


7 mins read

Jeffrey Epstein’s Retreat in the Caribbean Is Known to Locals as “Pedophile Island”

The Greek word is porneia, from which we get the English words porno and pornography. The word in Scripture refers to any illicit sexual activity, and this would have to include the abhorrent acts of a pedophile—including the gathering and trading of obscene or indecent pictures of young children. People who use this type of pornography usually graduate from looking to actually doing, bringing great harm to children. Fornication is among the “lusts of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16–21) and among the evil things that come from the heart of a man apart from God (Mark 7:21–23). Jeffrey Epstein’s retreat in the Caribbean is known to locals as “Pedophile Island.”AP Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Caribbean oasis in the US Virgin Islands was anything but chaste, locals say. “Everybody called it ‘Pedophile Island,’” St. Thomas boat operator Kevin Goodrich said of Epstein’s 75-acre Little St. James Island, […]


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